Part 35

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General POV

The walk back to Jays apartment is uncomfortable. Hallie isn't speaking- which is very unusual-, Erin was worried about Hallie and Jay wasn't sure what to do. "Brooke?" A suprised voice questions from behind her. The whole group turn around to see the two iconic duo- Julian and Erins mothers, together and still best friends. "Ugh, your having a laugh!" Erin grumbles, placing her hand on her hip. "What happened to you and Julian? I thought you were all happy and lovey dovey?" Julians mum asks smugly since she never really liked Erin. "We are, the boys arent Jays" Erin replies, really not in the mood for mother drama. "And her?" Victoria asks, looking Hallie up and down with discust plastered across her face. "Jays kid..and mine. Look I shouldn't be explaining this to either of you- lets go" Erin orderes with the iconic Brooke Davis attitude. "Yall right?" Jays asks, like he always did when Erin had a run in with her mum. "Yes, im fine. Hallie you good?" Erin checks, to which Hallie nodds. "Antonio" Erin says alarmed, she knew he couldn't keep his trap closed about the kids. "Itll be fine, don't worry- they are gonna all find out sooner or later so" Jay says, pointing out there is no dancing around the unusual situation. "Jay, your back!" Antonio smiles, pleased to Jay back and not noticing Erin and the kids at first. "Hey Tony, how's it going at the district?" Jay asks, eager to know what's going on since he hasn't been there for almsot a week. "Yes, not much. Kim hasn't needed to rob a bank since we've had a couple of big cases" Antonio laughs, shaking his head in dispare at some of the things that go down at the district. "Well, thats good- didnt fancy bailing Kim out" Jay chuckles as Erin, Hallie and the twins look on. "No Erin?" Antonio asks, dissopinted that Erin is hasnt came back. Jay stands there in silence, flicking his eyes to the left-hand-side hoping Antonio will see. "OH MY GOD, ERIN!" Antonio yells in shock and happiness, looking between her and the push-chair below her. "You look so different and you've got kids!" Antonio points out still mixed with emotions. "Hey Antonio, good to see you" Erin replies sarcastically, slightly laughing at the fact Antonio went straight in there without saying Hi or anything. "Sorry, ye, its great to see you. We've all missed you so much" Antonio smiles, going in for a hug. "I missed you too. I'dve checked in but been kinda busy" Erin gushes. "I can see, who are these to cuties?" Antonio swoons, bending down the play with the twins. "Curly hair is Davis normal hair is Jude" Erin differs, smirking at Antonio and his soft side. "They are adorable Erin. Its a bit cheesey that you named them after Brooke Davis' twin boys" Antonio smirks, raising his eyebrow. Erin and Jay both give Antonio and unimpressed glare at him saying something along the lines that Ruzak would. "Caballa Santa!" Antonio gasps, realising Erin is Brooke. "Did literally nobody click on?" Erin questions at how unobservant elite detectives have been. "Nope, this is awesome though. You have alot of explaining to do though" Antonio laughs in complete disbelief. "Ye, I know. This is Hallie by the way, Julian and I adopted her two years ago" Erin says, pointing towards Hallie. "Hey Hallie, how you doing?" Antonio smiles, shaking hands with her. "Im good thanks" Hallie shlyly smiles back. "Good, good. Well, im freezing so yall must be too, so I'm gonna go- cya both at Mollys tomorrow" Antonio says before running off.

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