Part 11

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General POV

Erin, Julian and Jay had just finished tea, Julian and Jay seemed to get on easier which made Erin feel a little better about the next few conversations she was going to have to have with Julain. "Julian, I need to tell you something. Well a couple of things" Erin says hesitantly and nervously. "Okay, what's going on?" Julian asks, picking up on the obvious nevervesness from Erins part. "Its about Hallies birth father" Is all Erin says, easing Julian into it. "What about him? I thought no one knows who he is" Julain says, confused. Jay and Erin look to each other for reassurance before she carries on. "That picture Hallie has of her and her mum" Erin starts then pauses. "Yes" Julain says before Erin carries on. "Jay seen it yesterday and all the dates add up. Jays her birth father" Erin finishes. Julians face drops, and darts his eyes towards a very guilty looking Jay. "Oh, what are we going to do?" Julian asks, alot more calmer than Jay and Erin both expected. "Jays going to spend the day with her tomorrow- were not telling her just yet though. She will be under the impression that we have to take the twins somewhere, so Jay is taking her" Erin explains. All three of them sit in silence for a little bit, watching Julian as he considers the idea. "Okay, just can we not lie to her for too long" Julian agrees, but isn't sure on the lying side of it. "Yes, totally. We should tell her when Jay brings her back." Erin says. "I should probably get going, thanks for tea" Jay smiles, standing up to give Erin and hug and shake Julians hand. "See you tomorrow" Julian smiles before Jay closes the door.

Erins POV

The whole evening went better than I could have imagined. Jay and Julian got on great- so did Jay and Hallie thankfully. "Babe, im going to hit the hay" Julian announces from the top of the stair case. "Okay, dont shout though" I reply, waiting for the screams of the moody awakend babies. Sure enough not even five minutes later, the boys screams echo through the house. "Thanks Julian" I mutter underneath my breath, as I head towards the stairs. I get to the room, Julians already there with a twin in each arm. "Hey baby" I whisper, walking upto him. "Hi, sorry for waking them" Julian apologises, majorlly regretting shouting. "Don't worry about it" I reply, taking Jude off him. "We need to talk still. Not about Hallie but about me- before I moved back to Tree Hill" I say, nervous for Julaina reaction to yet another shock. "Sure, is it going to give me a heart attack? The way its gone so far this evening I just want warning" Julian chuckles. "Maby, im not sure" I reply.

Fifteen minutes later, once the boys are settled, Julian and I make our way to out bedroom. "Whats going on then?" Julian asks, once we've cuddled up underneath the duvet. "Chicago. I moved there as soon as I left highschool. I was a complete mess, a Sargent took me in off the streets and I lived with him until I was 20. He was head of Chicago intelligence unit and I worked with him until I moved back here- four years ago. Jay and I were partners, dated a while aswell. He's here becuase my dads (Sarg) birthday is next week- the team think it'll be nice if I suprise him. What do you think?" I ramble on, getting it all out the way, but clearly over whelming Julian. "Oh wow, okay. First off, if you think you should go back, ill fully support it. Secondly, I wish you told me but I'm not mad at you at all" Julian says, calmly and fully supportive. "Thankyou Julian, your amazing you know that" I smile, hugging further into his body. "You are too, I love you" Julian whispers. "I love you too" I whisper back, before we both drift off.

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