Part 9

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General POV

Erin walks back over to Jay, who sits straight up right when he sees her coming over. He was nervous and so was she, her more becuase of Jay seeing another side to her. "Hey" Erin greets, curling her lips inwards. "Hey" Jay says, smiling at the twins messing around in there push-chair "They're cute" Jay adds, still looking at the twins "Thanks, they are pretty cute" Erin replies smiling. "We should probably talk about Hallie" Erin says "Yes, um, what should we do? Hallies happy with you and your husband and I dont want to get in the way of that" Jay asks, wanting Erin to make the last decision. "You should get to know her. Ill tell her that Julian and I have to go somewhere and that your going to take her for the day" Erin suggests "You sure? Like I said I don't want to make her life more hard than it already is" Jay asks, not wanting to throw Hallie off and Erin and Julians happiness. "Yes I'm sure Jay. She deserves to know she has the option of knowing her biological dad" Erin smiles before getting a message off Hayley.

Your doing great. I'm not coming over! X

"You can take that if you want" Julian says, catching Erin take a glimps of her phone. "No, its not important. Also if were round my friends can you please call me Brooke? They don't know about anything that happened in Chicago- well Hayley knows I had a parnter in Chicago but not what I done because she didn't ask. I'm sorry, I'm rambling" Erin says, smiling embarrassed. "Ofcourse" Jay smiles back at Erins embarrassing moment- which he found kinda cute. "Thanks, um tomorrow morning?" Erin suggests, going back to the main subject "That would be great, thankyou" Jay smiles. "No worries. I think Davis wants a hug" Erin laughs, Davis had his arms stuck out to Jay for the last minute or so. "I'd be happy to give the cutie a hug" Jay smiles as he takes Davis off Erin. "Hes soo adorable, they both are. I always knew you'd make a good mum Erin" Jay smiles, clapping Davis' hands together for him. "Thankyou, you'll make a great dad" Erin says, as they both laugh at Davis' belly chuckle. "Do you have anyone special?" Erin asks "I like someone but it'll never work, I mean, we all know how work place romance works out" Jay replies, raising his eyebrow. "Yes, listen im sorry about all that- I really am" Erin sincerely apologises. "Forget about it, we've both moved in" Jay smiles, still playing with Davis. "Come back to mine for tea, itll keep you away from Kris as long as possible" Erin laughs "Its fine, I dont want to get in the way. Thanks though" Jay replies, putting Davis' into the push-chair. "I want you too, please" Erin beggs with puppy dog eyes "Okay, come on" Jay laughs as they get ready to go.

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