Part 4

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Jays POV

It was the next morning and I got up early and left so I could avoid Kris and its annoyingness. I wander around Tree Hill for a little, exploring the small town. Its really pretty and a great place. I wonder along the promenard, listening to the birds chirp and swark when a voice from behind shouts my name. I turn round to see Erin standing there, looking completely different. Her hair was long and wavy, she was wearing a short-floral dress. "Erin?" I ask, double checking it was definitely her. "Hi, what are you doing here?" Erin asks, happiness and worry on her face. "Um, to see you actually" I reply, as we walk closer to each other so we aren't shouting. "Why?.." Erin asks confused "Its Voights birthday next week and we all are surprising him with a little doo at Mollys. We thought it would be nice if you suprised him, he misses you and so do all we." I explain, shaking a little nervously. "Ugh, um, I love Hank.." Erin begins to start before being interrupted "Mom, Judes getting all figity. Can I take him back?" The girl asks. Erin goes an awkward silence and I look at her in confusion. "Jay, this is my daughter Hallie" Erin introduces us bright red. "Hi" I smile before Hallie carries on. "So can I?" Hallie asks again "Yes sure, call your Dad to see if he's almsot home with Davis as well" Erin says before Hallie runs off. "Daughter, Jude, Davis, Dad?" I ask, not wanting to jump to conclusions. "Ugh, yes. Come with me" Erin nodds, as she takes me to wherever she's wanting to go. "Jay, I'm married with kids. Julian and I adopted Hallie two years ago and Jude and Davids are six-month-old twins" Erin explains, fear slightly showing in her eyes. "Wow, ugh. I'm happy for you" I smile, not sure how to react "In answer to your first question, ill think about it. Nobody knows exept you about my life now. I mean, Platt knows I'm here. Did she tell you?" Erin rambles as we walk into a clothes store. "Yes, she over heard on my radio. I have the pleasure of staying with her nephew" I laugh, breaking the slight awkwardness. "Bless you!" Erin laughs as we walk to the back or a store. "He always talks in third person and its so annoying" I say and Erins eyes widen "Kris Keller?!" Erin asks in shock- her voice a little high pitched. "Yes, how'd you know?" I ask, suprised she guessed. "He has this inase crush on my best friend and caused a bunch of drama back in highschool" Erin replies, flapping her hands everywhere being very expressive. "Your friends with Hayley James-Scott?" I ask in disbelief "Yes I am and have been since highschool. I gave her the nickname 'trator girl' along with many others." Erin smirks, shaking her head hinting I don't want to know anymore. The way we were talking was nice, it was like the old days. Erin talked alot more with her hand and more expression- kinda cheerleader talky way but it was still like the old days. "Ah, got it!" Erin cheers "come on let's go back to mine, just had to get this pencil sorry" Erin smiles walking off.

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