Part 37

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Erin/Brookes POV

Once outside Mollys and away from the noisy bunch I answer the call from Julain. "Hey, yall right?" I answer. "Yes, I was just checking in to see how you are" Julian replies. "Yes, im good thanks. Hallies on baby sitting duties and im at Mollys now decorating. How are you?" I ask, knowing Julian is very nervous about it all. "Im good, the movies going well so far. Were three scene's in so far, all the actors and that are getting on well so what more could I ask for" Julian says genuinely sounding happy. "Im glad your having fun and that the movie is going well. Is it still a nine month one?" I ask, hating it when he does the long stretched movies. "Thats the longest, theres a chance I could be earlier but I dont know. I miss you all so much" Julian says. "I miss you too, I gotta go but I love you" I say, hearing Mouch yell my name. "Love you too" Julian says before hanging up. I walk back inside to see why Mouch and a couple of others are shouting my name. "Hey Erin, who's Julian?" Kidd asks, the most out going one out the lot of them. I look to Jay not sure if nows the best time to spill it on all of them- Kevin and Antonio wait hesitantly to see if they have to keep there mouth shut any longer. "Hes my husband" I answer, gushing to the colour of sunburnt red. "Whoa, Erin Lindsay settling down with a dude- not something I thought we'd ever see after you and Jay ended it" Hermann says shocked, putting his foot in it a little with the end part. "Yes, well the worlds full of unexpected surprises" I say looking across to Jay, who knows esaclty what I'm digging at. "Whens Kim, Hailey, Al and the rest of Fifty one arriving?" Jay asks, changing the subject completely. "In about two seconds but Als coming with Hank later" Adam says pointing, at a bunch of cars parking on the curb outside.

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