Part 34

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Jays POV

Whilst we are in the cafe warming up with a big cup of hot chocolate, Hallie makes clear how much she loves Chicago and never wants to leave. "Well, if you still want me to stay with you here in Chicago every-now-and-again, can't I just stay?" Hallie asks, taking Erin and myself by complete suprise. Not in a million years, did neither of us expect Hallie to ask to move here permanently. "Um, Hallie, I dont think your Dad would appreciate that. Your homes in Tree Hill not Chicago- you have all your friends and family in Tree Hill, you have a life there" Erin replies. "Why wouldn't you appreciate it?" Hallie asks, her eyes full of sadness, looking straight at me thinking Erin ment me not Julian. "No, no- your mum means Julian not me" I correct Hallie. "Mum, Julians always working and isn't ever really in Tree Hill. Hes only in Tree Hill for the weekends when he's working, sometimes nine months straight he isn't around" Hallie points out to Erin, unimtentially making us both feel a little awkward. "Let your mum and I talk later okay" I say, giving Erin a little bit of help that her eyes were desperately asking for. "Fine" Hallie grunts, taking a sip of hot chocolate. "So, when can we go to your work?" Hallie asks, quickly moving on. "Um, after tomorrow- Hanks always there, you cant get in without Hank spotting you" I reply, clearly bursting Hallies bubble for the second time. "Fine, what are we going to do the rest of the day then?" Hallie asks, seeming to be one of those People who hate to be just sitting around. "Well, its three o'clock already so we could go to the store and you could cook Jay your amazing stew" Erin suggests, which I'm not going to argue with. A home cooked meal sounds amazing, something that I'm awful at doing. "Okay. Jay, do you have: Leaks, Onions, Gravey, Chicken and carrots?" Hallie lists, making her way through the amazing tasty sounding list of ingredients. "Hallie, my cupboards are empty. I cant cook anything except breakfast stuff and the odd sandwich" I laugh, receiving a roll of the eyes, dispare look from both Hallie and Erin. "So not much has actually changed" Erin smirks, her left eyebrow raised. "Your funny" I smile sarcastically. Erins phone starts to ring, her face and hand movements hint its one she really needs to take, however she doesn't want to be rude. "Take it" I smile, knowing Erin doesn't go to answer her phone during a conversation unless its important and with that Erin got up and strutted towards the bathrooms. "Jay can I ask you something?" Hallie asks hesitantly. "Ofcourse, you dont need to ask" I reply, giving her my caring 'you dont need to worry about asking questions' smile. "Do you like Erin, the twins and I being here? I know it was your idea, but you do undercover work so you could just be acting" Hallie worries, playing with one of her brothers fingers- which she seems to do when nervous. "Hallie, having you, your mum and the boys here is great. I love having a change of faces, catching up with your mum and spending time with my daughter" I grin, genuinely really happy at the moment. "Okay" Hallie nodds, not quite sure whether to believe me- which does kinda make my heart break. "Sorry about that" Erin apologieses sitting back down. "No worries, can we go? The boys need fed anyway" Hallie asks. "Sure" Erin says cautiously, not sure where the sudden dullness came from.

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