part 19

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General POV

Hallie and Jay walk back Erins house, the sun was still beaming off the water and through the trees. As they walked they talked and talked- occasionally have small burts of laughter that echoed through the streets. "Im no mad at you, I really enjoy hanging out with you. Your not just going to leave me once mum, the twins and I are back in Chicago?" Hallie asks, fear of abandonment over coming her eyes. "Dont be silly, im not leaving you again. You can come stay with me in Chicago during holidays- when I'm not busy- and I can come visit" Jay reassures Hallie. Jay can't imagen ever leaving his daughter again, he knew about her now and wanted to be there for her as much as he could. "Okay, please don't promise on it though" Hallie beggs, not getting her hopes up after being dissopinted so many times in her life. "Ill admit, being in intelligence does take up alot of time but when I can be there for you I will" Jay says, completely heart broken at helpless look on his daughters face. She may be thirteen, but she was still just as vulnerable as a small child- especially with what she has been through. "My biological mum was never really around; always out drinking, meeting guys extera. I cant have another parent appear and dissappear whenever it suits them. I know you work as a detective but you gotta sort something out with your boss- please" Hallie rambles. Jay looks in shock, almost tears, as Hallie tells him about how much of a terrible mum Abigail was. "Ill do my very best" Jay says, putting his hand around Hallies shoulder and pulling her into a side hug. "Heeey!" Brooke cheers from the steps at the door, where she was out playing with the twins and Julian. "Hey mum" Hallie smiles, squrming out of Jays side brace. "How was it?" Julian asks, playing with somesort of baby toy with Davis. "It was really good. Jay said I can go visit the station when we go to Chicago!" Hallie grins from ear-to-ear with exitment. "Thats great Hallie" Brooke smiles as she hugs Hallie, subtly sticking her thumb up a Jay as to say she was proud of him and happy they were getting on. "I should get going, cya whenever" Jay waves, but before he can walk off, Hallie runs over and wrapps her hands around Jays waist- giving him a tight hug. "Bye Jay, thanks for the coffee" Hallie thanks before unwrapping herself. "Welcome Kiddo. Bye again" Jay smiles, walking off happier than he's been in a long time.

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