Part 42

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General POV

The whole of Mollys is swamped with awkwardness. Erin just stood there staring and Hank, waiting for a reaction. Hank as a father figure, was possibly scarrier than Hank as a Sargent and it was the only time Erin was really scared of him. "If your gonna go run after him, can I atleast come to see your kids?" Hank asks, unimpressed with Erins move- one she would have pulled back in highschool. "I could do with a lift so sure" Erin nervously smiles pulling an 'oopsie' face. "Come on then, it was about time I should hit the hay anyway. Thanks guys its been a great evening" Hank smiles, grabbing his coat and car keys.

Erin/Brookes POV

The drive to Jays apartment was so uncomfortable, Voight occasionally glanced across and shot me a death stare- one I used to get when I was seventeen. "Just spit it out" I snap, bored of the death stares. "Being in Tree Hill hasn't caused you to peal the banana peal back?" Hank asks, sounding genuinely worried. "No Hank, it hasnt. I'm in a good place, I have an amazing family and a bunch of good friends- which unfortunately include Platts nephew apparently" I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "Im glad your happy and still on the right track. Not gonna lie, I was really worried about you going back out there on your own" Hanks says, focusing real hard on the road so he doesnt show his soft side to much. "No need to worry about me Hank- I'm all good. How are you doing without your favorite person being around?" I joke, grinning like an idiot. "Its just in the Father's job description to be worried, thats all. I'm good, even better now your here- even if it did cause me to be a detective down whilst having the first to big cases in a while" Hank chuckles, glancing across but this time with a fatherly smile on his face. "Sorry, but hey, at least you got to see my smiling face" I grin a sarcastic grin. "Ye well, who said it was a good thing" Hank jokes, earning a punch to the arm from me. The rest of the drive back to Jays was like the old days, chatting and joking around- Voight taking the michael out of me for something. "Right, were here, come on" Hank says, already opening the door before the car has fully came to a halt.

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