Azealia Banks vs Iggy Azalea...

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For the longest I've just avoided this subject matter simply because the media was completely invovled and everyone was taking sides without knowing the whole story... I'm a hip-hop head and so heavily attentive to true hip-hop culture that I see and know the way more about this beef than most of the gossip blogs,urban magazines and media period that covered and reported on the subject.

Since the uproar has cooled down and whatever, I finally sat down and watched Azealia Banks Hot97 interview that restarted this beef because it's been going on for YEARS!! Before i had even heard a Iggy or Azealia record, I knew they had beef. I didn't know why and basically no one did but people who payed attention to hip-hop didn't either just that they had this nasty catty beef and Azealia was the aggressor .

Azealia always blasted her opinion on Iggy over Twitter and I say again who really can express theirselves over Twitter fully. It's 140 characters only nigga!! No extras and the message just stripped down and the point can easily be misunderstand and I've come to the conclusion that that's exactly what has been happening to Azealia and the clear understandings that she hasn't gasped the idea of media training and the power of allowing music to speak volumes for you as artists like J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Big K.R.T,  Jay Z etc  do.

Not knowing where all this hate comes from towards Iggy makes her look like the stereotypical angry black girl that pissed cause the white girl is simply better than her but this isn't the case at all. I always rolled my eyes at Azealia Banks because she always talks mad shit about other artists and niggas were still like "where the fxck is  your music?". You're a rapper so rap, You're an artist so use art as your expression. I never took a side of this because I don't vibe with Iggy like that either like she has the ability to make hot songs like Fancy, Work and thats all I like cause Black Widow is trash and annoying as hell to me. I'm not a fan of either arists so I just didn't give af, you know?

Then fancy came out and honestly I still fxcks with that song because regardless of the media overhyping it up and all the bs , I love that song and it's simply because it's a good song with a nice vibe to it. Iggy isn't the best rapper and I didn't and dont expect amazing bars from her but on the song she carries herself well. Once the song and was buzzing for months on top of months, the "mainstream" media started to pay attention and that's when sh*t always hits the fan and they ruin everything f*cking thing. (IE: Miley Cyrus and twerking) Billboard, Forbes and a lot of other white based media was praising Iggy as the new Queen of Rap and like most black people , I was like hold tf up! Nicki can and does rap circles around Iggy and a lot of your favorite rappers, she's a beast when she's not caught up in that bullshit pop Starships lane.  She has sold more records than Iggy, singles and everything. Nicki's first two albums are both plantinum worldwide and the PinkPrint will do no different. NICKI MINAJ  IS THE QUEEN OF RAP!! 

Like honestly I believe Nicki can take Kendrick Lamar on and win, in a freestyle cypher, she that good. ( refer to her old mixtape raps and features and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about)

Back to this topic though, mainstream media crowned Iggy as the queen of Rap and niggas who know rap know she isn't a rap artist at all. She's a pop artist who uses the art form of rap as her expression, you get it? Got it? Good.

Problem with this is becuase the BillBoard chart is so damn biased,one sided and oudated (they just started counting streams into album sales a couple months ago ya'll) that she gets placed in the Rap genre category, in the Hip-Hop category, and and then once award shows come around she snags a nomination from a deserving party. Like the grammy nominations she got nominated in the best rap album category and her album wasn't good at all, I listened to it and it wasn't good. My personal opinion was that her nomination deserved to go to YG who had a dope album that knocks with good lyrical content and storytelling along with the club bangers and big hits, most people who actually know the scope of rap and hip-hop this year agree with my opinion.

In my opinion rap shouldn't be a gengre category anyway, rap is an art form. Like there's no singing category on the billboard chart why is there a rap category? It's just plain stupid and idotic for this to  blantantly exist and no one say anything about. Hip-Hop  is a genre alone and shouldn't be always combined with R&B,  Hip-Hop also has sub-genres like there's emo, classic, the club sh*t, the intellectual lyrical content, soulful. Like damn rock even as the alternative rock sub genre on the Billboard chart but Hip-Hop doesn't even get that.

In Azealia's interview she FINALLY expressed this as the main reason she constantly comes at Iggy basically her stealing rap/hip-hop culture away from the deserving folks which mostly are black because it's our culture and a movment started by us for us. She blames Iggy and focuses on her I see the problem  and her point but I don't fully blame Iggy for this bullsh*t I blame the whole music industry and the billboard charts classifcation of genres because that's the problem at the girl. You cut off the head of the snake and another grows, if Iggy quits or disappers guaranteed neither white girl or male rapper comes to take for her place and the cycle will continue.

I mean a perfect example was last year when Macklemore won over Drake, Kendrick, Jay at the Grammy's (the one award show that was supposed to count in music). His album didn't sell more copies than either or was better than any of them so why exactly did he win or better yet why was he in the rap/hip-hop category in the first place? His music is pop and he doesn't compete with these rap kings who would rap him in circles.

All I know is that this Grammy's better not by no means give that Best Rap Album award to Iggy or even televise that sh*t because for the last two years the award has been given out in the pre-show despite the fact that the big names like Jay, Drake are nominated and most people watch for them. The Album of the Year award better go to Beyonce' because like she said on Feeling Myself "Changed the game with that digital drop..Know where you was when that digital popped.. I stopped the world..Male or female, it make no differenc" she wasn't just talking sh*t but stating facts, She seriously stopped the world Decemeber 13th 2013 and her album was amazing. She deserves that award despite the fact that she has 17 grammy's already and Jay has 17 as well, let's say that Blue has plenty of gold sippie cups to play with.

I agree with Azealia Banks on this one but baby girl gotta do better in regardless to expressing her opinion and how to do it well. She's still a troller though like some of the sh*t she says is obviously ignorance and just plain trolling just like Charglmane Da God but  she had some valid points in this argument. She needs to learn to get her message across with the extra rah rah bullsh*t on Twitter like Cole does. He goes on the mainstream media platforms like he did on David Letterman and grasp their attention with music and the message becomes clear without sounding like a hater.

What ya'll think?

BTW I got my computer!! And I'm up and in service so ya'll should be getting something from me soon whether it's new 'cause I have something in the works or updates on my existing works. I missed writing sorely and I have to get these ideas out before I lose them or drive myself crazy with keeping these thoughts stored up. Give me a lil time and I'll be back on my weekly grind, my classes as less time consuming this coming semester but I have an extra class strangely which means more work but  instead oh being on campus all day I'm only there for like a couple of hours and I get to dip which means more writing time.

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