Slutwalk LA, Oshea Jackson Jr, Rihanna.. Thoughts on the Week's NewsCycle

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Amber Rose Successfully Hosting SlutWalk LA

Before I start this off, I just wanna say yes, I'm pro-hoe :). Over the past couple of months, Amber Rose primarily has been bringing a core of issue of misogyny to the spotlight: slut shaming & calling it out of its disguise. She's been the butt end of every joke mostly by black men in the media who are misogynistic towards the same women who give birth to their children, gave birth to them, and are their sisters, cousins, friends, significant others etc. However through all of the endless pointing of fingers and laughing being targeted at her, she still held strong in her cause and made a statement girls really need in this world.


It's really quite simple, I really don't understand why people can't grasp the concept. Or should I say why people refuse to grasp the concept because they get it? They just want to ignore it and hope it goes away.

I love the movement and if there the #SlutWalk was hosted in my city I would have been there chanting "My pussy, my choice" right across with them carrying a sign that says FUCK YO 30 SHOWERS!! Just like Amber's mom.

As a woman, we have to stand up for ourselves because no one else ever will especially if you're a woman of color. This movement is an amazing start and is everything that is good about feminism unlike Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Emma Watson and all those white women who are casted as and apart of that suffrage movement new movie but completely ignores the fact that women of color go through oppression that is so much different than them and refuse to acknowledge other women of color as feminists such as Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, Amber Rose herself, Zendaya etc.

I mean one of the images circling around for promo of the movie are all of these white women wearing shirts that in big black bold letters say "I'd rather be a rebel than a slave." And they're all smiling as if there was nothing wrong with that statement.

Anyway moving back to the positivity, I was so glad the SlutWalk went on unhitched and everything was completely positive. I did see a video of some ignorant ass white man screams at the marchers that "If you're slut you deserved to be raped. All of you deserve to be raped." Or something along those lines. I was disgusted by it but one man didn't stop a damn thing.

Also let me add this, Amber Rose didn't start the SlutWalk. It isn't something completely started by her, SlutWalks are hosted all over the world. The SlutWalk was originally started and hosted in Toronto, Canada inspired by a cop that was supposed to be talking about crime prevention and addressing college campus rape said something along the lines of "I've been told I'm not supposed to say this – however, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized"

So basically a cop who is supposed to protect and serve said aloud with no problem said that women get raped because of how they dress.. classic slut shaming. One: someone can walk outside butt ass naked and it still doesn't give anyone the right to touch them in any shape, form, or fashion. Two: no one should have to prevent up against rape. People just shouldn't RAPE!

Women's lives are molded by the fear we have of being sexually assaulted, rape or harassed. Ask any girl would she like to just get up in the middle of the night sometimes and take a walk. Her answer would probably be, yes. And if you ask her, why doesn't she just do it? Her answer will be because she doesn't want to get raped or killed.

Every part of rape culture has to go and so does the shaming of women because how they dress, who they have sex with etc. At the end of the day, it's no one's business but the people or person she's having sex with.

Besides most of the people who slut shame and have something bad to say about women who vocally love sex are just mad they aren't getting any.

Like boo boo, go get you some dick or some pussy , hell even both if that's what you like and sit down.

Oshea Jackson Jr. is accused of speaking out against black women

After Straight Outta Compton came out, the person who got the most love and praise coming from that movie was Oshea Jackson Jr., Ice Cube's son. Girls go crazy for that man like I've seen girls tweet and post about on social media how they'd drink his bathwater and some other crazy ass freaky things lol.

Like last weekend, a story came out that showed Oshea with his former girlfriend, a woman whose not black. Along with the story, there was screenshots of the girls twitter where she'd said things like "ugly, dark, dumb. You mad Shea don't like your type?" and comments from Oshea's Instagram where he says "You angry black females kill me. She's my ex. The women I prefer ain't your fucking business anyways."

The blogs went crazy so did most of his female fans who were black. Instead of questioning whether the screenshots were real. People immediately jumped the gun and were like "I knew he was like that anyways. Y'all feeling dumb now lusting after this nigga?" "He ain't sh*t! Just another black man speaking down on this black girls." Stuff like that and I was just sitting on social media like damn, ya'll going in and just feeling like yet another black man has bitten dust and won't stand up for his sisters.

But God was like Hold up, Wait a Minute. Let me put some... lol yall know the rest. Cause last night on tumblr the girl who was responsible for sending the story in to MediaTakeOut and basically all of this drama involving Oshea confessed to photoshopping all of those tweets, Instagram posts and everything.

I seen the original post where the girl admitted to the mess and I was like "what is this ungodly mess? Who told Lola bunny she could mess up this man's life just because??" seriously I was shocked as hell that someone would actually do something like that. The girl seemed to be having some suicidal thoughts and I just felt bad because she needs help and people were coming for her in her inbox and while it was sort of warranted, people never deserve to be told their life doesn't matter because they made a mistake.

Some people just go too far.

The girl seemed young like young, young like early middle school and while she still should have known better.. she made a big mistake and people shouldn't be telling her the world would be in a better place if she wasn't alive anymore cause yeah I saw some comments like that and they didn't sit right with me.


It's sad this man's career will be followed by this drama even though he never had anything to do with it and someone just lied about it. The shadow will forever be there because guess what the main blogs who posted the story aren't gonna post the confession from the girl who did it or even post that the story was a lie because that's not a headline or good story.

Rihanna Calling Rachel Dolezal A Hero

One black person gets accused and cleared of being ignorant and someone else jumps in the cross fire. Rihanna, why?? No excuses she gets came for too cause the minute another celebrity says something along these lines, they get branded a coon and people stop supporting them. Rih is no exception.

According to Vanity Fair, Rihanna said "I think she was a bit of a hero, because she kind of flipped on society a little bit. Is it such a horrible thing that she pretended to be black? Black is a great thing, and I think she legit changed people's perspective a bit and woke people up."

Nah not cool. It actually is a horrible thing that she pretended to be black. Being black is a great and beautiful thing but it's not a costume someone can just put on because being black looks cool so why not?

Everybody wanna be a nigga but don't nobody wanna be a nigga. It's cool when you tan your skin to look darker, copy and approproiate black culture to cool and make people think you the sh*t but the second a black man or women posts #BlackLivesMatter you gotta put #AllLivesMatter in the comments because you get offended.

She was wrong for these statements and anyone with sense knows it. If we read the second rate celebrities for filth over statements like this ya'll gotta come for ya'll faves too. It's called being fair and not giving these black celebrities a pass just because they're black.

I'm still waiting on R8 tho :) and that's all.

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