Black lives matter..

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Tonight is a sad night for America.. The grand jury on Ferguson decided there was no need or cause to indict Darren Wilson for the murder of Mike Brown.

My heart hurts and I'm nearly in tears because this is such a slap on this face of all black people.. If you aren't effected by this and you're black,  you NEED to be effected by this because our justice system just blatantly told what our lives mean to them.

An innocent black teenager to murdered in cold blood in front of so many witnesses and somehow after 100+ days a jury decides that time life that was lost didn't matter.  It's so hurtful for me right now,  all I can think about that I have a seven year old nephew and he has to grow up in a world where the color of skin automatically makes him a suspect for criminal behavior.

The pigment of his skin somehow makes his life less valuable and even though all evidence points to his innocence. Our Justice System would still find a way to make him guilty.

It's disgusting but I'm not even surprised which makes the situation so much worse. In one way or another,  we all expected this to happen because generations of history show that in America black life just isn't as valued as a white life.  If you're white and reading this,  don't take offense but just realize racism still heavily exists and operates in this country.

Ferguson is going to riot tonight and we all know and for the first time.. I understand that anger. I don't condone it but I understand. Our voices have to be heard and our pain has to felt, something has to change.

Black lives can't continue to be diminished and lessen.

And to think we seriously thought overcame,  we have a black president but African Americans are still getting murdered wrongly and nothing is being done about it.

R.I.P Mike Brown,  gone never forgotten.

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