Transitioning Struggle?? Weaving It Up or Nah...

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So you guys I'm in the process of going natural!! I've been relaxed since about the fifth grade and don't really remember what my curl pattern was or how it felt.

So right around the time I was in my junior year of high school (about three years ago)  I decided to grow out and take better care of my hair. From there I went from getting a relaxer every couple of months to stretching them out like I lasted about eight months without the creamy crack. Then I got a relaxer because of graduation portraits but that's when I realized how strong and healthy my hair had gotten and I wasn't used to that but I adored it.

So I stopped again after the chaos of senior year ended and I didn't have to take pictures that were gonna be in my mothers house forever. This time I lasted around a year and like eight months and I loved the length I had,  it was a little inch or two from being armpit length but it was obviously time for me to give up the relaxed ends and big chop. My hair was over and done with those ends cause I couldn't do much with them. But instead of listening to my hair I went and got a relaxer again!! 

Ended up having to cut off inches off my hair anyway which was what I was trying to prevent. I was being stubborn and stupid and this was August of 2014. So now my hair is collarbone length but damaged and while most people don't see it or can tell I know my hair isn't as healthy as it can be. 

So I'm done with relaxers for good now and I'm transitioning instead of doing the big chop cause my damn head is too huge for super short hair. It's perfectly round af lol and could be easily mistaken for a basketball from its shape  lmao seriously tho.  I get this big round ass head shape from my father and all my siblings have the same shape and we all hate this sh*t especially since we also have this chubby cheeks.

Back to the point,  I really want to give me hair a break from my constant styling. I've done the braids, twists etc and I'm tired of that so I'm thinking of getting some virgin hair and making a u-part myself. I just don't know where to get my hair from??

I'm cheap as hell and not rich by any means so spending 700$+ on some hair isn't on my to do list so Aliexpress is my best bet.  But their vendors aren't all reliable and you can get horrible hair from the site .. I've seen the horror stories on YouTube.

And YouTube good hair reviews aren't always creditable either because the company could have just sent the guru some Beyonce blowing in the wind laid by the GAWDS hair and send regular people some matted synthetic dog hair mess.  So I'm doing all the research I can do so I can get some good ass hair.

So do you guys have any recommendations, any Aliexpress vendors you can point me in the direction of or warn me to stay away from? Help ya sista out! 

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