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Lord knows I've always wanted to stay unknown when it comes to my writing but things change especially for good reason. So I've made an exception.

#PostAPic is a movement started by HustleandFlowH0e,jazzy2489,FeistyPisces2, and QueenShaveen which is meant to uplift black girls and to tell them to love their selves as is. I'm always for anything positive so when they asked me to participate I had to.

To join the movement all you have to do is post a profile picture that is really you. Tag the users I've listed above and kept your profile pic the stay for ONE day, that's all.

Participate ya'll if i can do it you guys can to. Join the movement and spread the word.

Yes my profile picture is really me so if you guys ever wondered what I look like then your curiosity can be cured for one day lol :). 

A Cup of Tee' and a lil' dash of honeyWhere stories live. Discover now