Be Informed, Pay Attention.. Democratic Debate

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I just wanted to come into here and say tonight is the first democratic debate if you're legally able to vote than please watch. Be informed before the presidential election next year because this is our future in our hands.

I didn't tune in into the Republican debates because I either forgot they were coming on or learned about them after the fact however I still encourage everyone to listen to both parties and choose who you best think could run our country.

Presidential elections are a popularity contest to a certain extent and in regardless to the Democratic party, Hilary Clinton is the front-runner. I consider myself a feminism and I will say Hilary Clinton won't be my first choice just because she's a woman. If she does in any case gather my support it will be because I feel like she would have our country best interest at heart.

Another Democratic candidate you guys should look out for his Bernie Sanders. I don't know much about his platform or really any of the presidential candidates except Donald Trump cause potato head be wilding out of control with his racist, misogynist remarks. That's one person who won't definitely won't be getting my vote for anything, period.

Back to Bernie Sanders, you know the older white man those #BlackLivesMatter activists interrupted (which I didn't agree with)?? Yeah him, I do know a part of his campaign is advocating for free community college for everyone. Which if you plan on ever attending college, you should be all for because tuition is crazy and for a lot of students when they graduate they are in more student loan debt than they will make in their first job in their field will pay them yearly. Yeah it's real out here and one of the many reasons you can find many people with a degrees from great schools working odd-ins jobs in restaurants, clothing stores, coffee shops, malls etc. Still Bernie Sander doesn't have my support fully yet because I don't know his stance on other important things.

I will never tell anyone who to vote unless you plan on voting for Donald Trump cause boo, no! Not happening, why you don't care about yourself? Anyway though, I'm not to tell you guys who will be the best choice for you but I encourage you all to be informed even if you're not legally able to vote. You can put your parents, grandparents, older cousins, sister and brother on to a candidate they weren't informed about.

Please don't cosign a presidential candidate just because everyone you know is voting for that person. It's not good politics or good period. You can make your own choices independently, that's what democracy is supposed to stand for.

The debate is being broadcasted on CNN at 8 pm tonight Eastern Time. You'll have to figure your time out in you're in a different time zone cause a sista not got the answers for you lol.

That's all I have to say, ya'll. Just be informed.

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