Answer to The Story..

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Alright so most of the people who commented and picked a letter choose  B.) Keisha as at fault for her traumatic experience.

Before I go into detail with why I decided to put this story up or the answer I just want to say that I was presented a story similar to the one I posted by a Therapists who doubles as a psychology professor at my college. It was used to as method to pinpoint something within each person and their answers. Of course I changed some things and added in some dramatics just cause.. I mean who doesn't like writing arguments lol it's fun.

So I put the story up because lately I've been seeing a lot of people on this site and on social media generally that have been doing and saying things that bug me. I'm not talking about things that make me cry or mad just something I annoys me that I used to do and now that I see the problem I try to give out the same knowledge that helped me,okay??

When I was in class and my professor went around the room lasts semester asking EVERYONE, yess EVERYONE lol whose fault this experience was after he'd told the story. My first thought was "damn this went real left real quick" because my professor normally makes up stories that he knows we can relate to that make it easier to retain the info he's trying to teach us. Normally they were funny or had some at least some irony to them and like I'm sure a lot of you thought no one saw the ending coming at all. The story starts off like we all have seen a million books on here have but instead of the girl meeting some guy whose gonna become her next boo or whatever something horrible happens to her that if she were real it would change her life forever.

When my professor asked me what my answer was I choose the man which as in this case  A.) Mark lol simply because I felt like Keisha was looking for a reaction out of him. She wanted him to beg her to get back in the car and tell her he loved her and that the girl back at the party didn't compare to her because she was everything he wanted and needed in his life. Thenthey would go home and have angry good make up sex lol.  Ya'll know someone whose did something similiar for that attention or some of ya'll might have did it yourself.. I see ya'll crazy clingy affection types hiding in the back lmao No shade, girl!

*taps mic/clears throat*

My professor then went on to go the rest of the class.. He didn't react to anyone's answers until it was over. The vote was mostly placing Keisha and Mark as the blame. But more on Keisha than anyone else. He stopped in the middle of the room, leaned back on his desk  with bright smile of his face and said "This was just a rape trial, you all were the jury and decided to let the rapist off because the victim shouldn't have gotten out of the car  & her boyfriend because he shouldn't have let her go."

He followed up with " I just gave you all an exact example of how a defense attorney will turn a rape around on a victim because of the before actions that took place before a man or woman ( cause yes women are capable of rape too) decided they wanted to take someone's sexual right to say no away. How does it feel to know you guys just victim shamed a victim who found the courage to report her sexual assault and now is hating herself because she thinks she's completely at fault??"

Man I tell ya'll this classroom was quiet as hell and no one was looking at no one. Every one's head were either down, staring at the professor  or trying to act like their blank paper was more important than the tea our professor just poured on us cause that dude poured the hot straight off the stove still in the kettle tea right the f*ck on us and we all were burning.

I felt like sh*t because damn I was just learning the ins and outs of feminism and trying to deprogram myself out of pinning women against each other or disliking them because they live their life a way society doesn't find  "feminine enough" such as if a girl likes casual sex and she has it with guys all of a sudden she's a hoe but a man does it and he's a player or ladies man. You can't accept a double standard like that,  I just accept that both sexes gone do what they wanna do and as long as they ain't out here putting their business out on front street for everyone to see or isn't messing with someone's husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend or fiancee knowingly then it really ain't my business but if you gonna shame one then throw salt at the both of them.

Back to the story though, I was really messed up about this and so was everyone else in my class. My professor legit had that smiling smirk on his face like "Got EMMM!!" then he let us go early because we were just that shocked lol. Class got out early and still no one was talking as we left out of the door.

Some of ya'll easily went the route of "yeah it was Keisha's fault" and it's no shade cause a year ago I did and would have chose that route too. Sometimes you just gotta have someone point out what exactly you're doing without you even realizes it. We grow up around and are influenced by media or a society that easily blames the wrong people sometimes that our vision gets distorted sometimes.

What really matters is that we see the problem and change it.

 The answer was D.) The Rapist because he was the one who actually committed the crime that traumatized and chaged her life forever. The beginning of the story doesn't matter nor how she got there on that road alone in the dark.

Sure she was actin crazy as hell, should have never got out of the car and should have never been jumping on her boyfriend Mark while he was driving let alone at all because NO ONE SHOULD BE PUTTING THEIR HANDS ON ANYONE period!! Yeah she was drunk but none of that matters because she was still sexually assaulted and that's NEVER okay!!

The act of blaming her behavior for her traumatic experience is a form of victim shaming and I can say I've victim shamed people before until I had someone show me what the f*ck I was doing. I encourage you guys to really think about who you wanna place blame on before you just decided like ask yourself; if you had never read the story behind why Keisha was on that road and just heard that Keisha was raped in the bushes on a dark night would you blaming anyone but the rapist??

I guess is no but idk. All I know is especially here on Wattpad we so easily say this girl or that girl is a hoe and declare we don't like them and that if someone sexually assaults her then because she did this or that, she caused it or deserved it.  A chick can be out here fucking, sucking and licking every nigga movin but if someone rapes her she still is a victim and the only person to blame is the man/woman who raped her.

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