Randoms Thoughts... Info on Updates and Stuff

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As of now , this is my final exam week before I have summer break from school so updates SHOULD come faster for me. I make no promises cause life get me caught up sometimes but mostly writing will be my focus the first couple of weeks of May.

So, this is how my proprieties will be categorized:

The Fighter's Club: Survival of the Fittest - 1st

The Blood That Bonds Us All: A Sister's Love - 2nd/ when ever I feel like it, that story has to right (which is why I haven't posted first chapter yet)

Other Stories Info:

Time Travel Undone- complete reboot ( i hate the way my characters are set up and the way they were introduced.. ughh)

Time Heals All: if and when I decide to give it a go.

New Story Ideas: randomly

I'm thinking about interconnecting a couple of stories ideas and stuff so yeah. this summer SHOULD be good for writing. I have some goals in mind for myself and I wanna get them done.

Also keep in mind, I'm still trying to find a good paying job so if I do I will let you guys know that updates will be coming wayyy slower.


Ya'll why does it feel like I haven't written a sex scene in forever.. I have I been slippin'??

Like I feel out of practice like I never written one before or something.. it's bothering me right now. I used to be kind of alright like I know I was never the best but now I don't feel like I could write an exciting one.

One of these chapters I post soon gonna have a sex scene in it and Imma try to kill it just because of this doubt.. f*ck it.

Baltimore Situation: #BlackLivesMatter PERIOD!!

There's so much to say yet that statement alone says everything without any other words being needed.

Discussion is over, I'm sick of it.

Stay WOKE!!


Oh yea, I been thinking of this idea too like if I don't update anything in a week. I'll definitely be posting something here. If ya'll wanna hear an opinion on something, you can recommend something ( as if ya'll really care about my opinion lol) but seriously though I'm down to discuss basically anything.

It's kind of like a schedule but not like one..


SPOILER ALERT (for Grey's Anatomy fans)

Why did Shonda Rimes kill off Derek Shepard? I nearly was about to have a panic attack watching the last episode of Grey's Anatomy. Derek was literally EVERYTHING!!

He and Meredith were the epitome of what real love/ marriage looks like in this ever-changing world. They had real world problems but their love always prevailed.

He was not perfect but still the dreamboat that captured my heart through the television screen lol.

It was a beautiful day to save lives and they let him die.

I'm still not over Lexie and Mark dying the way they did and now I have to accept that there won't be any more intimate elevator scenes, no more calling post-it, no more " I just wanna have babies with you", no more of him telling Mer "I can't live without you"

I'm gonna miss him so much and if you watch Grey's you understand the distress and how much their love story means to mostly everyone who watches the show.

Also one of my recent faves Kehlani just released her second tape called You Should Be Here. If you like melodic jams with just the right touch of realness and expectations of love, check it out. She's all around dope and if I didn't feel her music I wouldn't be typing this.

If you're interested check out her first tape :Cloud 19 then listen to the second one.

And the one of the forever BAEs, Wale dropped his album a couple of weeks ago... My love for him is endless much like Aubrey and Cole. The things their words of wisdom and opinions on life have gotten me through and how much they have opened up my view of thinking is indescribable.

The album is titled The Album About Nothing however it's about everything and if you're a fan of Wale you know what the title stands for. He has the third installment of The Ambitious Girl series on it which I love titled The Bloom.

The stand out of the album for me though is The Girls On Drugs.. I encourage everyone female trying to find her way in this crazed society to watch that video and really listen to the words of that song. I pray you guys don't get caught up in the hype and grow into the beautiful women you were destined to be.

It took me a good minute to understand I came into this world with a crown gracing my head and I shouldn't dim my light, change who I am to fit in, or allow the views of the irrelevant to damage my spirit.

A Cup of Tee' and a lil' dash of honeyWhere stories live. Discover now