Marriage?? Is It Still Obtainable in Our Generation??

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Watch The Video Before Reading First Even Though Y'all Probably Seen It Already

I feel like I haven't did a post on here in a long time but I've just been trying to get my head right and out of the mix. Sometimes I just have step away from social media cause it clouds my creativity and my vision of where I wanna go in life. Things get a little blurry for me which is natural but I catch myself before it ever gets me bothered too much. All I've been on lately is Tumblr and here 'cause it's more chill and serene then ratchet lol.

But on tumblr I found this video where football player AJ Green and Miranda Brooke have there first dance and it's the cutest thing ever. You can just see the love they have for each other flowing out intensely. I don't one much about either of them or their relationship but looking at them all I see is love.

Things like this give me hope seeing as I'm a hopeless romantic and all. It got me thinking too like why does it seem like marriage is so scarce these days? It's more common for people to have baby showers (no shade) and coming home from jail parties then seeing two people commit their selves to each other legally, emotionally and religiously??

This kind of bugs me like socially it's more expected for a man and woman to have a kid then break up then falling in love then getting married?? Again no judgment passed but why? Why do men mostly 25+ think that marriage only ties them down instead of helps them? Why most people think about divorce before they even get married? Like talking about how they don't wanna give up half of what they earn but if you pick the right partner why should that matter?

Don't get me wrong like I do believe in prenups for the most part especially if you have a lot to lose but that piece of paper should be fair and respectful to both parties not protect one and leave the other ass out unless that's the one who cheated or messed up the marriage.

I see marriage in a different light than most. I just view it as commitment between two people who simply wanna spend the rest of their selves together... Full of love, hope, faithfulness, admiration, light, and trust. Traditional/ gender roles don't matter cause you define what you and your significant other side marriage is gonna be like, ya know?

Most don't see it this way, I know cause I don't even feel my family gets my perspective cause most of them look at me like I'm crazy when I'm talking period lol. I just have hope in love & marriage regardless of what the media or society says about it.

If I ever am gonna believe in something in this world it will be that love does conquer everything. That's the end game that everyone wants in this world at the end of the day: just to be loved deeply.

The thing is that in today's age I don't think people even care about getting married no more. It's all about finding some chick with a big butt to go raw in so they have a lil cute baby but then proceed to never teach their kids that while they didn't make it down the aisle that marriage is still a goal that it's nothing wrong with trying to achieve.

Being unmarried isn't anything to be ashamed of but being married to the love of your life is something to be proud of. Whether you're a male or female.

What y'all think about marriage?? You think it's not obtainable or of importance anymore?

A Cup of Tee' and a lil' dash of honeyWhere stories live. Discover now