Social Media Break.. A Week With No Foolishness

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So Last night I was watching a Kevin Edwards vlog on YouTube & he mentioned he'd left his phone at his house and was going to turn completely around and get it. But he ended up deciding against it and went phone less.

It was just a little small thing but it got me thinking if I could go without my phone for a day or two. Back in high school,  I did this little week long challenge before just for myself.

I went a week without getting on any social media and bish it was hard cause back then my twitter was LIT!! Lol I was so in the loop music wise and I had a comment on just about everything. I still do but I'm more low key about it now because 140 characters wasn't cutting it, tbh.

I'm trying it again because honestly yall sometimes it's good to just detox your mind of all of the crap the media pushes onto us and all of the crap we we push on yourselves. I've decided I'm only be on here and that's all since Wattpad isn't really just social media.
I'll probably be getting out some much needed updates,  sorry yall for the lack of them.

I have no excuses for not updating lately. I just didn't. It's on me. I've been trying to figure my life out piece by piece with basically no help from anyone. So I have a lot of my plate but it's still no excuse because I've had the time to write however I opened up blank document pages for all my stories,  started chapters and deleted everything cause it didn't feel right.

Writing is a feeling for me and even if it's crap to everyone else, it has to give me this weird sense of satisfaction and if it doesn't it's completely scrapped. I don't think it's writer's  block this time but maybe too much of being into everything else in the world. Writing is a lot of being inside of your head and being about you, I've been neglecting that lately.

So this is my way of taking some steps back and getting right lol. Taking social media breaks are good period but they're hella hard. I hope I can do this again yall , hopefully my willpower doesn't break & nothing big happens with Drake or Beyoncé cause then sh*t then I'm gonna be like "Fuck a break,  a bish about to stan & get my whole life" btw: yall seen Bey slay last night. That woman is legit LIFE!! I love her and there's no better performers of this generation that can top her.  She's the best man,  nobody else comes close. Don't fight me on it,  this is fact not fiction

Anyway though yeah I'm taking a social media break,  wish me luck yall cause Imma need it.

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