Am I The Only One??

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Am I the only one who gets mad clammy and nervous when I do something like call to book an appointment, calling to ask about a job, ordering pizza etc.

I legit be all anxious and I have to make myself to do it. I be planning what Imma say in advance like "okay here's your script, don't say nothing else" lmao

I'm such a sad case, people who I don't know always make me feel uncomfortable and like I'm making a fool out of myself.. Crazy thing is that I know it's probably the complete opposite but my insecurities and introvert tendencies be telling me "nah fam, you tripping. You gotta chill"

Right now I'm procrastinating making a call while I'm writing this lol. Once I do and get off the phone Imma cringe and analyze everything I just said. In person I'm fine talking to someone but over the phone I'm like a rambling disgrace.

Anyone else has this problem??

A Cup of Tee' and a lil' dash of honeyWhere stories live. Discover now