Kylie Jenner Challenge.. Obvious Culture Appropriation That Is Disgusting

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For the past week or so, the new big cool things to try is the Kylie Jenner lip challenge. The act itself is stupid because if ya'll didn't know Kylie Jenner didn't get those lips by sucking on a damn glass container.

Ole girl has lip fillers and it wouldn't be such a damn big thing if she and her "wanna be down so bad" family would just own up to all the surgery they have had did. I don't care what lie she tells and what bullshit people spit about how she draws her lips on or whatever.

That's a lie and you all know it, stop taking up for people who are lying to you. Kylie Jenner is a seventeen old year minor that has had plastic surgery that her parents absolutely HAD to sign off on. You don't grow an ass and plump lips out of the blue, it's not logical.

She's pushed in our faces in the media every single day but she wants us to believe she's just growing?? This lil girl think we're blind and delusional.

Back to the challenge though, I hate this sh*t with a passion. It kills me to see thses lil teenage girls that look up to her doing this crap knowing they think this behavior is okay when it's not??

I have had past friends cry to me literally bawling in tears over the phone because they were tired of being teasing over having big lips. This bullsh*t bothering me to an all out extent because not only are you endangering your health by doing the challenge you also are picking and poking fun at the women of color the media has pushed down and laughed at for having full lips for decades!!

But now all of sudden everyone thinks having full lips is beautiful and trendy because some lil white who didn't even finish high school is sporting some lip fillers???


I have heard this a million times since this challenge started and I hate to repeat it but it's necessary


I'm tired of the mainstream media destroying the culture of minorities just to look cool.. They put us down make us feel stupid and worthless but yet whenever they need a new idea who do they copy?? US!! However we never receive credit for it.

They steal everything from different cultures and then pretend it's theirs!! But if you slap lipstick on a pig, it's is still a pig and just may become bacon later.

You aren't US and can never be US.

You don't have a culture, you just steal pieces from other cultures then destroy it.

The Kylie Jenner Challenge is CULTURE APPROPRIATION AT IT'S FINEST... Everyone is turning such a blind eye to this lil girls actions yet when Williow Smith took a picture with friend of hers who had no shirt on (which was weird but that's not the point) Jada Pinkket-Smith and Will Smith got the Department of Children and Family called on them.

Beyonce and Jay Z are constantly getting shade thrown at them because they decide to let their little girl be a little girl. They don't over dress her or try to transform her to fit in the "approved beauty" box. Blue Ivy has naturally tightly curled hair and they let it grow that way. It's beautiful and I love it.

Nicki gets called a bad role model when she does the Anaconda video yet this seventeen year lil girl has her ass out on Instagram like it's nothing yet the one who gets bad press over it is Nicki and she's the perfectly grown one.

Kylie is obviously dating a GROWN Man yet they're family is focused on the fact that Bruce Jenner is becoming a woman?? This dude has bigger problems like why his lil girl is getting plastic surgery before she's finished growing into a woman.

My father would try to beat my behind for getting a tattoo and dating any guy he doesn't approve of yet this lil girl gets plastic surgery, dates a grown man with a kid, picking fights with grown women and gets defended by her family like she's in the right.

Blac Chyna said she patiently waiting 4 months and I hope she get her because this has gone too far. You wanna act grown so be grown and deal with consequences.

Please stop participating in this foolishness and school anyone who is partcipating or encouraging this blatant disrespect.

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