Chapter 3: Is It Really Him?!

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Chapter 3: Is It Really Him?!

Alice's POV

It's been 2 weeks since I've stayed in the Phantomhive mansion, it's August 13, midnight, well not exactly midnight but maybe around 4 in the morning, and I couldn't sleep... For some reason I just couldn't. Maybe I miss the orphanage, miss whenever Grette talks with all of them.. But since I slept too early, I guess it also means that I will wake up early. Then I started to feel like taking a very early walk.

I got some clothes on and quietly jump over the window, because I might end up meeting with that Sebastian dude and alarm Ciel which he will never let me walk by myself. Plus I'm just in the second floor. It isn't that high. I've jumped even higher than this. And with a strike of luck, I'm out of the Phantomhive property and now I'm somewhere out there...

It has been 2 hours and the sun was out, but to my suprise... I can't find my way home.

Did I take the wrong path? What if I will never be able to go back? Since when did I ever forget my path? All those questions repeat in my head. I'm seriously lost. Sigh... I guess I gotta start walking and start finding my home.


Ciel's POV

This can't be happening... Not this time. Where did Alice go now? She didn't run away, right? Or did she...? No, it would be stupid for her to run away when we just met yesterday. I guess I've been a little 'grumpy' to her that's why she ran away. Well, my first priority now is to find her right.


Alice's POV

"WAHAHAHA!! Beat that! I finally found the mansion!!" I cheered while jumping and dancing. But for some reason this mansion looks different... Oh well! At least I'm home! I knocked on the door to see a... BLONDE DUDE?!

"Who are you, little girl?" he asked me with a smirk on his face.

"Oops, wrong house! Sorry to disturb yo—" I quickly ran as fast as I can, trying to get away from that blonde freak... I managed to get away, far away from him and his property. That was totally not Ciel's mansion. And now I'm terribly lost again! But that boy... he has the same blonde hair and ice blue eyes, could it be him? No I must be joking! That boy could never be him! Or is he? Maybe I need to have a break and try to remember how to get back, and if that boy is really him.

I rested my back againts a tree and I closed my eyes to sleep.


*Flash back*

After my parents died, and the house burned down, I decided to change my appearance to avoid contact. I cut my hair that makes it look like a boy's hair but it was worth it, I wore clothes that look like I'm the poorest girl — I mean boy — ever and continued to walk and find shelter. I suddenly felt an extreme pain in my head that made me lose balance and fall, but a set of arms caught me.

"Are you OK, sir?" a voice of a dude asked me, but I never expected him to call me a sir!

"Ya, I think I'm tired." I tried to sound a bit boyish while not revealing that I'm imitating.

"What's your name?" he asked

"Why would I tell you?" I hissed at him and tried to stand up but he stopped me

"Come on! Are you lost? We can be friends!" he was trying to persuade me into becoming his victim eh? I never trusted street kids because my parents always lectured me about them. Saying like sometimes they decieve you and ask more than what is given and other stuff.

She's The One [Ciel x OC x Alois] (COMPLETE) *EDITING TYPOS*Where stories live. Discover now