Chapter Sixty Three: Fighting Fate

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"Hey look! Heroes!"

"That's the guy from the U.A Sports Festival!"

"It's the girl who can control elements too!"

Izuku, Mirio and I were patrolling the streets and people were starting to point us out. I smiled and waved at them causing them to gush even more. When I interned with Endeavor most people steered clear of the hero on patrol so we didn't get much attention.

"This is sorta nerve-wracking" Izuku says.

"What gives? You went out on patrol during your internship didn't you? Though I guess I don't blame you for being shaken after what went down" Mirio said still looking forward, referring to the Hosu incident.

"Oh no, it's not that. I just kinda missed out on learning some of the basics so..." Izuku mumbled and I gave him a sorry smile.

"Yeah? Huh, that must be strange. Ah don't you worry, Sir and Bubble are the ones who are actually watching the target today so I can teach you all about patrol duty" Mirio told him smiling.

"Plus I can give some tips I learned from Endeavor Izuku" I said told him smiling which he gave a smile in return.

"We'll get you up to snuff! Just watch and learn my friend!" Mirio said while shaking his body crazily making me chuckle.

"Hey, we forgot something! Our hero names! We should know each other's right?" Mirio said looking between Izuku and I.

"Oh yeah, totally, I'm Elementium!" I tell him smiling and his smile widens.

"And I'm Deku!" Izuku said proudly.

"Deku? Like Deck? That's weird" Mirio said confused and I laughed.

"I like it" Izuku told him sure of himself.

" 'Kay well I'm Lemillion, for the number of people I'll save" He says pointing at himself.

"You know, can't save 'em all but I can at least shoot for saving one million instead so that's what I'm doing! When we put on our costumes and start hittin' the streets that's when we become heroes so don't let your guard down Elementium and Deku!" Mirio tells us.

"Got it Lemillion!" I say and Izuku nods his head agreeing.

Mirio walks off first then Izuku follows him and I walk forward behind them. I take a few steps behind Izuku before something runs into me. It wasn't enough to knock me over but just make me shake a little. Looking down it was like slow motion as I watched a small girl bounce off me and onto the ground. The girl landed on her side on the ground, she was tiny with bluish off white hair. She sat on the ground in a dirty tan dress with bandages wrapped around her arms and legs. A small horn was at the right corner of her forehead but once she opened her eyes bright crimson eyes looked up at me.

"Whoa, I'm sorry, looks like you took a tumble" I told her smiling while crouching down in front of her, I can sense Izuku and Mirio had stopped to look at us, Izuku crouched down next to me. I went to reach out to her but she gasped lightly and I furrowed my brows.

"Are you okay? Can I help you up?" I said while reaching under her arms to lift her but once I touched her I felt her entire body trembling.

'Why is she trembling?' I ask myself confused.

"You should be more careful" A voice rings out from the alley the girl must've ran out of.

The man walked out from the dark shadows and I instantly tensed. Standing in front of us was Kai Chisaki, he walked towards us and I felt the girl tremble and gasp even more.

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