Chapter Forty Eight: End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End

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My eyes felt heavy making me not want to open them, the smell of disinfectant filled my nostrils. Steady beeping could be heard, I felt a rough but also firm hand holding my own. I felt the need to open my eyes so I pushed myself to open them. Cracking them open slightly I shut them instantly but then slowly opened them letting my iris's adjust to the light.

"Akari?" I heard my Dad's voice say, my vision focusing on his face fully now.

"Dad?" My voice came out raspy as tears brimmed my eyes.

I smiled and tried to move forward to hug him but pain shot up my body making me yelp.

"Don't try moving kiddo, you got some serious injuries" Dad said now standing up but leaned over so he could hug me.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his as tears flowed freely down my cheeks.

"I was so worried about you" Dad said while he sat down on my bed, he held my face lightly so he could look at me.

"When I saw you on the TV with the Principal and Mr. King I got worried that you weren't coming to find me" I told him, looking into his eyes and he looked down.

"I wanted to go to the bar but the police thought it would tip off Shigaraki and make him hide you and Bakugo in a new location, I wasn't happy about it" he told me truthfully.

"Oh my god, Dad is Katsuki okay?" I asked looking around my room.

No one else was in the room, flowers and cards littered the counters in the room but Katsuki was no where in sight.

"Bakugo isn't in the hospital, he's on strict orders to stay at home" Dad explained.

I sighed leaning back onto the pillow, I then finally looked down at my body. Bandages were wrapped up my arms, I pushed the blanket aside seeing the same on my legs. I could feel Dad tense as I looked at my bandaged limbs. I looked up at him and saw a single tear fall down his face. I then leaned forward hugging his body and he responded by putting his arm around me and kissed my forehead. I small knock on the door made us break apart, looking over to the door was a doctor smiling at us.

"I see you're awake, how are you feeling?" The doctor said walking up to me.

"I feel like I got the shit beat out of me" I pointed out, my Dad smirked lightly at my remark.

"Hah well this is true, Recovery Girl came by early this morning and healed you a bit but you still have bruising, severe burns and a few deep lacerations still" The doctor explained and I nodded.

"I'll keep you here for another night but in the morning you should be able to head home and be on bed rest" The doctor said while flipping through pages on his chart.

"Wait no!" I said making the doctor look at me confused.

"I want to leave today" I said firmly.

"Akari you should listen-" Dad started to say but I stopped him.

"Look I hate hospitals, I don't feel to much pain and I can tell my vitals are fine" I said pointing at the machine "If I show you I can walk fine and okay, will you discharge me?"

I looked at the doctor with pleading eyes and he sighed.

"If you walked from the bed to the door and back with no problem then I'll think about it" The doctor said.

I smiled as I moved forward slightly, Dad stood up and I pulled my bandaged legs from the covers. I carefully touched the cold tiled floors with my toes but then placed my feet onto it completely. I then pushed myself up so I was standing, pain throbbed in my legs but it was bearable. I took a step forward as the Doctor and Dad stood on either side of me ready to catch me if I fall. Step after step I took forward, determined to get out of this place, once I made it back to the bed I sat down slowly and panted out air.

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