Chapter Forty Five: Attempted Rescue

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Darkness, that's all I could see. I felt burning and aching pain all over my body, muffled voices around me were evident. I tried to focus on the voice, hearing the voice get slightly louder.

"Akari, please open your eyes" I heard the voice say.

I couldn't move at all but the voice I heard seemed familiar.

"Kari please" the voice said more strained and worried now.

I slowly opened my eyes, the dim lights around me made me squint. I took in a sharp breath as I finally opened my eyes. Pain flooding through my body from the wounds inflicted on me.

"Ah look whose finally decided to wake up" I heard Shigaraki's voice say.

"It's been a full day now, I thought I might've killed her" Dabi's voice rang out as I tried to look around but my vision was blurry.

"Kari, look at me" I heard Katsuki's warm voice say and I titled my head towards him

My vision was blurry at first but then it slowly started to focus on Katsuki. My vision now clear, Katsuki was still tied up like I was except now he didn't have the mouth cuff on anymore.

"Katsuki" My voice came out raspy and barely a whisper.

"I'm right here, don't speak just stay awake" his voice said and I merely nodded looking at him.

"I'll ask you two one more time, Katsuki Bakugo and Akari Sasaki, will you join the League of Villains?" Shigaraki asked us while sitting at the bar.

"Go throw yourself into traffic" Katsuki angrily told him, I was to exhausted to even reply.

"Now let's return to a short clip from the U.A High School press conference" A TV reporter said making us all look towards the small TV.

My eyes widened slightly at the sight of the principle, Vlad King and my Dad. I let out a shaky breath as tears brimmed my eyes just being able to see my Dad again. Although, he didn't look like his normal self, instead he was wearing a suit and had his hair neatly done. I was happy to see him but confused as well, my Dad hated the media so why was he on TV?

"We are here to apologize, a recent incident aloud harm to come to forty one first year heroes and we staff were ill prepared. We take responsibility for any trauma caused by our negligence, it's our duty to train heroes but also to protect heroes in training" Dad said and then bowed.

"I'll take the first question, since the beginning of the year, U.A students have had four encounters with villains. This time there were students who were gravely injured, how did you explain this to their families? And what are some of the specific steps that you are taking to ensure their safety in the future?" I heard a male voice ask my Dad.

"We will increase patrols around the school grounds and review security measures within the school, the safety of U.A's students is our main priority, make no mistake about it" Principal Nezu said and my mouth opened in shock.

They were treating them like villains, like it was all there fault.

"Isn't that strange? The heroes are becoming the bad guys, seems like there not dealing with this very well at all" Shigaraki's voice said "So much criticism, but everyone makes a mistake or two right? It's not like they're supposed to be perfect, modern day heroes sure have it rough. Don't you think, Bakugo, Akari?".

"Once a hero receives payment to protect people they aren't a real hero anymore, that's what Stain's actions taught us" Spinner said while he leaned up against the wall.

"A hero in this current system only cares about money and glory and since society buys into those idiotic rules, anyone deemed a loser is shoved aside. So we want to pose some questions, what is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly fair? Soon everyone will be asking, that's when we'll know we've won and you like winning, don't you?" Shigaraki asked us and Katsuki growled at him.

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