Chapter Two: What it takes to be a Hero

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As I stood their wide eyed at what I had just witnessed. All Might had saved Izuku and I and then Izuku just hitched a ride on All Might abandoning me. I started walking trying to think of where Izuku and All Might could've gone I heard an explosion happen downtown and people running away. If I knew one thing about Izuku it's that he's always watching heroes defeat villains so I started walking towards the commotion. Shoving my way through the front of the crowd I saw a kid with green hair and I instantly went straight to him and hit the back of his head.

"HEY-oh Kari its you" he says sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah what the hell were you thinking back there Izuku?" I questioned him with a mean tone.

"Kari wait-" Izuku says but I interrupt him.

"You can't just grab onto someone let alone a PRO HERO" I yelled the last part.

"Kari look the sludge has-" Izuku tries to say but I interrupt him again.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW HURT YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN" I yell at him shaking his shoulders.

"KARI STOP THE VILLAIN HAS KACCHAN!" he yells at me making me stop and look at the villain.

The sludge villain did have Katsuki trapped which made me stop completely frozen that one of my best friends was in danger. Reality came back to me when the sludge villain used Katsuki's quirk to explode the building next to us which made us all duck.

"KATSUKI" I yell to him making him look at me, I've seen this look from him only a few times and that look was fear.

Izuku and I took off towards the villain making all the heroes gasp and yell at us to stop. Kamui Woods used his quirk and grab me hoisting me up before I get any closer but completely missed Izuku because of the fires around.

"NO LET ME DOWN" I yell at him struggling in his wood grasp.

"ARE YOU CRAZY KID YOU'LL GET YOURSELF KILLED" he yelled at me setting me down on the roof that the others were taken to.

I looked over the buildings edge at the seen below with Izuku clawing at the sludge villain attempting to free Katsuki. I couldn't hear what they were saying down there but I only could imagine Katsuki didn't want Izuku to save him. As the sludge bastard raised his arms to attack Izuku, the pro heroes all rushed forward trying to help but all I could see was a huge explosion making my hair fly in all directions. I looked down once the smoke cleared to see All Might holding the villain from killing Izuku.

As All Might got ready in a fighting pose he started to fight yelling "DETROIT.....SMASHHHHH!".

The gust of winds from All Might's power moved made me almost lose my balance but I held on tightly to the edge

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

The gust of winds from All Might's power moved made me almost lose my balance but I held on tightly to the edge. Once the powerful wind subsided I looked over and saw All Might kneeling on the ground and then I felt rain droplets hit my head, looking up I saw All Might changed the weather! I quickly ran to the exit ladder from the roof to check to see if my best to idiot best friends were okay.

Falling For My Best Friend (Katsuki BakugoxOC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum