Chapter Fifty Five: A Talk About Your Quirk

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A/N: Found this photo online of a provisional license and did some editing to make it Akari!

The screen popped up showing rows of names as I quickly looked down them for the S last names. My mouth dropped as I saw my name, eyes widening and a big smile spread a crossed my face as I realized I passed.

"Holy shit! I did it!" I say to myself surprised that I've finally made it.

The grip on my hand only got tighter which made my attention fall over to Katsuki. His face was in pure anger and disbelief as he looked up at the screen, my eyes looked back over to the board to scan for his name but it wasn't there.

"No!" He say's in a weak angry voice.

"Did they really fail?" Mina asks looking over at Shoto who also failed.

"How did our top two classmates not pass the exam?" Sero asks confused.

"Shoulda been more careful with what you said, words are important you know" Kaminari says and I simply smack the back of his head.

"Shut your mouth before I murder you" Katsuki growls out at Kaminari with a very dark aura.

I looked at Katsuki who was staring at the ground in anger still squeezing the hell out of my hand, probably not even realizing it.

"So, next we'll give you printouts of your results. They include a breakdown of your scores so you'll know exactly what areas you need to improve going forward" Mera announced as men in black suits came out with large stacks of paper.

"Sasaki" A man said while holding out a paper to me.

Sneaking my hand out of Katsuki's hand which was more like yanking it out I grabbed the paper. Looking it over I did most of the rescuing of individuals correct but points were taken off because of the whole Shoto Inasa incident. Ending with a total of 79 points I felt sad that I didn't do better. Looking over to Katsuki and Shoto I wondered why they kept letting them fight since if the score fell below 50 there was no hope.

"So anyway moving forward, those of you who passed can exercise the same authority as pro heroes, but only during emergency situations. In other words, fighting villains, saving the victims of criminal acts or accidents, you may act using your best judgement with no direct orders" Mera informed us.

"Keep in mind that your every action from now on carriers with it a deep responsibility towards bettering our society and that the world is watching you. I'm sure you're aware that All Might our greatest hero, no longer has his incredible power. One of the reasons crime in this country has been so low is due to his presence. With that deterrent gone, criminals are sure to become bolder and more wide spread" He explained.

It was obvious criminals were taking more risks now, when watching the news it's almost everyday now that a villain attacks somewhere or someone. The symbol of Peace is gone which means criminals think they can commit crimes more now.

"Expect the balance we currently have in our world to be destroyed. You young people will be the hope for our future, it's imperative that you become exemplary heroes. That your reputation grows to suppress crimes as did his, remember the license you earned today is provisional and you still have much to do. I would like for you to think of yourself as fledglings and be even more diligent in your studies" Mera said making me feel determined.

"As for those of you who fell short and did not pass, we don't have time for you to feel bitter about your loss. Instead we offer a chance to redeem yourselves" He said making me look over to Katsuki smiling "After you attend a three month long special course and pass an individual test we plan to issue a provisional license to those of you who failed as well"

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