Chapter Fifty Eight: Unrivaled

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After writing my apology letter to my Dad which mainly consisted of me telling him how much I loved him. I was back in class and studying more than ever since I wasn't able to tell Katsuki about class I had to avoid him but in that extra time I spent many hours practicing my Quirk.

I was indeed correct about the work studies, they are like internships but consist of more extraneous work and actual hero work. Thinking about it now since I did my internship with Endeavor, would I be doing my work study with the now number one hero? Izuku's house arrest had just finished and he was now profusely apologizing to our classmates which they all forgave him for.

"Time to take your seats everyone" Dad said making everyone scurry to there appropriate spots.

"Morning, now that Midoriya is back we'll go into more detail about what the work studies entail, go ahead and come in" Dad said and the door slide open.

"I'll have people who have experienced them firsthand explain, I suggest you listen carefully as they point out how work studies differ from internships. These three are third years at U.A, they rank at the very top of our student body, you may know them as the Big Three" Dad said as three older students came in.

My eyes widen as I see the face from the wall from a few days ago, how could I be so stupid to not realize it was him? Of course Izuku and I had seen him before, he fought in the Sport's Festivals and was always naked but never placed. The other two of the three consisted of a girl with purple hair and a boy who looked really shy, I don't think the other two placed in the Sports Festival either.

"The best of the hero course" Sero says as we look at the Big Three

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"The best of the hero course" Sero says as we look at the Big Three.

"Oh Wow!" Mina says overly excited.

"Of all the talented students here, they're the ones at the top" Iida adds on.

"They're on a different level, still in school but practically pro heroes" I heard Momo say from behind me.

"If they're as good as I hear then they're the students we should be chasing after" I say aloud.

"They don't look all that special to me, except the girl she's pretty hot" Kaminari says making me groan at his comment.

"Get to it, introduce yourselves briefly, let's start with Amajiki" Dad says and my attention lulls over to the shy guy.

Amajiki looks up at everyone with an intense look making everyone freak out and gasp.

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