Chapter Twenty Seven: Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears

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Shoto and I sat on the bus, I was nervously messing with my fingers in my lap when Shoto spoke up.

"So you and Bakugo finally got together?" he questioned and I flushed pink.

"Oh-Um, yeah I guess so" I admitted while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked him, he nodded looking at me.

"Why did you chose your Father's agency if you hate him so much?" I asked generally curious.

"Come on, this is our stop" He said standing up, not answering my question.

As we got off the train and started to head towards the agency, I looked up at the building in shock.

"Woah! This place is huge!" I said with a smile on my face but Shoto didn't looked impressed.

As we got our badges, we headed up to Endeavors main office. Endeavors office was huge but had barely anything in it, I looked around the large room when my eyes finally landed on Endeavor.

"I've been waiting for you two" Endeavor greeted us, he eyed me carefully smirking.

"Shoto, so you're finally ready to walk down the path of the mighty" Endeavor told his son, I looked between the two.

"I have no intention of following any path you've created, only I can decide my future" Shoto told him, I smiled at his response.

"Heh, is that so? You two should go get ready we're going out" Endeavor said.

"Where to?" I questioned.

"It's time I show you both what it means to be a hero" Endeavor told us.

Shoto and I went to our designated rooms, my room was basic with a bed, desk and an attached bathroom. I changed into my hero costume and meet Shoto outside his room. We headed out and patrolled streets watching for villains. I was actually learning a lot more than I thought I would.

After patrolling for what felt like hours we finally headed back to the agency. We hadn't come by any villains but Endeavor taught us about Hero Laws, fighting villains, and saving civilians.

After getting back I was hanging out with Shoto in a lounge, I sat on the couch with a happy sigh.

"Your Dad is an asshole, don't get me wrong but I can't help but feel appreciation of him teaching me" I tell him and he sighs while leaning back as well.

"He's pushed me so hard to surpass him, it's hard to think of him as helpful" Shoto said tired as well.

"You two should get to bed and rest, tomorrow we will training your Quirks" Endeavor came in the room and told us.

I went to my room saying a quick goodnight to Shoto, after changing and climbing into bed I reach over to my phone. Scrolling through the names I see the one I'm looking for and click on it.

"Hello" Katsuki says as I smile.

"Hey Katsuki, just wanted to say goodnight and I miss you" I say slowly now getting embarrassed that I said that.

"You miss me huh?" he asked, I could practically hear him smirking.

"I didn't realize how embarrassing that sounded until I said that" I said with a laugh.

"Well I guess I miss that cute laugh of yours" he told me making me blush, I looked at the clock seeing that it was half past eleven.

"Alright, I better go, Endeavor is going to train my Quirk tomorrow so I better get some rest, goodnight Katsuki" I told him.

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