Chapter Thirteen: Answers Revealed

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The day after the USJ attack, I was released in the early morning. Recovery Girl came by and healed my broken arm so I didn't have a cast anymore. Katsuki's mom had driven me home and told me to come by for dinner later if I wanted to. I politely declined though because I wanted to be alone.

Opening the door to my house, I dropped my keys on the side table walking into the kitchen. That morning Dad and I had left our dishes in the sink and cereal boxes out. I walked over to the mess and started to clean it up. After cleaning up the kitchen, I walked around the house cleaning all most every part of it. I was trying to distract my thought by scrubbing this house clean. It must've been hours doing it because it was now pitch black outside. As I sat on the floor scrubbing a stain off of it my mind wandered back to yesterday.


"Oh my gosh! No way! I can't believe it!" Shigaraki began saying excitingly "You look just like your mother!"

"Akari run away now please" my Dad begged me, but I ignored him.

"What the hell are you talking about freak?" I asked whipping my head back and fourth in between the beast and him.

"Eraser Head didn't tell you did he? Hah well this is my honor then" he began while widening out his arms "Your parents were-"

He was interrupted by the warp gate man appearing next to him.


'Why did Shigaraki know what my mother looked like? What did he know?' I wondered.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door unlocking and opening, looking up I saw my Dad walk in with bandages still covering his face and arms. I gasped standing up and running to him.

"What are you doing here? There's no way they released you this soon!" I tell him hugging him lightly to make sure I didn't hurt him.

"The old lady came by and did some extensive work on me" he stated looking around at the house.

"You cleaned the house?" he asked me confused and I looked around at our now spotless house.

"Yeah, I guess I was just worried about you and everything" I replied while turning around to pick up the cleaner and rag I was using before.

"Hm, well it looks ni-" he began but I interrupted him.

"Why did Shigaraki know what my mother looked like?" I questioned, Dad sighed and went to sit down on the couch. I stood in front of him with my arms crossed, he always told me my parents were heroes who died in action. Dad had found me in my crib and took me in.

"Akari, I want you to understand one thing before I tell you this, I look at you and see my daughter who has grown into a powerful hero in training and I care about your safety very much" Dad started and then looked at me.

"15 years ago, I was following a case about these villains who were constantly killing civilians and hurting people, people called them The Duo of Death. The police force assembled a team which included not only me but All Might as well. Once we raided the building the two villains attacked us but ultimately were killed because they wouldn't surrender" Dad explained to me.

"As we raided the building more, I walked into a bedroom that had a small crib in it, this baby was innocent in this mess and the police wanted to send it to a foster care facility but I rejected the statement" Dad then told me, my eyes widening as I realized what he was saying.

"Tha-that baby was me?" I asked him stuttering, I looked away to afraid to here the answer.

"Yes, that baby was you, you are the daughter of The Duo of Death" Dad says slowly waiting for my reaction.

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