Chapter Ten: Game Over

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As I ran towards the center of the USJ, I looked around frantically for any of my classmates or Dad. Hearing loud crashes where Dad was I speed up even more to go help Dad. Arriving on the scene, I froze, petrified by the sight that was before me.

Dad was on the ground, blood pouring out onto the ground. His yellow goggles on the ground broken in pieces. His arm was held by a huge bird like villain that had his brain sticking out. The loud monster shrieked then pulled his arm and a sickening 'crack' could be heard, which snapped be back into reality.

I ran forward without even processing sliding myself threw the monsters legs so my back was up against Dad's. Shocked almost the monster let go of my Dad's arm getting ready to punch me, but I was already ready. My arms extending towards the beast then pushing all the air around us to make the monster fly backwards. As the villain flew back about twenty feet, I quickly hopped up ready to protect my Dad.

"Stay the fuck away from my Dad!" I warned angrily, now looking at my surroundings I saw Izuku, Tsu and Mineta close by.

"Ah Hah what is this Eraser Head? A daughter" I heard a voice behind me say, the beast wasn't coming at me.

"Akari, leave please" I heard Dad say in a worried tone, I turned around to see the villain.

The man I was looking at was tall and skinny, he had blue hair and hands wrapped around various parts. The hand wrapped around his face made it hard to see everything but his bright red eyes were predominant. Once he took in my appearance, he stood up straight like he realized something.

"Oh my gosh! No way! I can't believe it!" he began saying excitingly "You look just like your mother!"

"Akari run away now please" my Dad begged me, but I ignored him.

"What the hell are you talking about freak?" I asked whipping my head back and fourth in between the beast and him.

"Eraser Head didn't tell you did he? Hah well this is my honor then" he began while widening out his arms "Your parents were-"

He was interrupted by the warp gate man appearing next to him.

"Tomura Shigaraki" the warp gate said.

"Kurogiri, did you manage to kill Thirteen?" he asked, I looked down at Dad, I knew I couldn't fight with him him now, he'd just transport me somewhere else.

"The rescue hero is out of commission but there were students I was unable to disperse and one of them got out of the facility" Kurogiri explained, I felt a tiny weight lift off my shoulders when I heard that, that means help will be on the way soon.

"Huh?!" Shigaraki asks, he then begins to scratch his neck very aggressively " fool...If you weren't our warp gate, I'd tear apart every last atom in your body".

He suddenly stops scratching and continues "There's no way we can win if dozens of pros show up to stop us, its game over. Back to the title screen and I was looking forward to finishing this day" he looks over to me "Damn it, lets go home".

"Oh before we leave, lets make sure the symbol of piece is broken. Lets wreck his pride" Shigaraki said before jumping over where to Izuku, Tsu and Mineta were. It was slow motion as his hand was about to make contact with Tsu's head but when it did nothing happened.

Looking down I saw Dad his hair flying with wide eyes deactivating Shigaraki's Quirk, I crouched down to Dad touching his back, with tears filling my eyes.

"You really are so cool

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"You really are so cool...Eraser Head" Shigaraki said, I felt a large hand grab my arm making me gasp.

Looking over the beast had grabbed my arm, he started to bend it and a disgusting 'crack' could be heard making me fall to my knees and scream in utter pain and horror. Dad tried to get up but was instantly smashed into the ground. I was suddenly dropped from his grasps and I feel to the ground with tears rolling out of my eyes as I held my throbbing arm. Looking over Izuku had tried to punch Shigaraki creating a wind force so powerful dust blew everywhere blocking me view of them.

"Dad" I whispered looking at his body on the ground, blood pooling on the ground, he seemed knocked out. I pulled myself over to him pressing my hands down on a wound that was bleeding but pain shot up my broken arm but I pressed down still.

Looking back over to Izuku, the monster had blocked his punch completely. If Izuku's punch couldn't hurt that villain and they obliviously wanted All Might here, putting one and two together my eyes widened. This thing was supposed to kill All Might and if Izuku's punch didn't do any damage, what would All Might be able do to it?

"You're pretty powerful. This 'smash' of yours, are you one of All Might's disciples?" Shigaraki asked "Doesn't matter, I'm done with you now".

My mouth was wide open and more tears fell down my face as the monster grabbed Izuku's arm and raised his large hand.

"NO! STO-" I started to scream but a loud crash towards the front of the USJ interrupted everyone, looking up I saw All Might at the top of the stairs and he wasn't smiling.

"Look! We're saved!" Mineta screamed while crying, I looked down at Dad worried.

"Dad wake up! All Might is here!" I tell him crying in a low raspy voice.

"Ah, Looks like our game's getting a 'continue'" Shigaraki said.

To be continued...


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