Chapter Forty One: Wild, Wild Pussycats

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The day has finally come, Class 1-A and I were all standing in front of the buses. Katsuki had his arm lazily draped over my shoulders with Kirishima close next to us. After the I Island Expo, I had told Dad of my new found ability of manipulating metal. Dad has been waking me up every morning to train me but every time I tried to move the slab of metal that he had put in our backyard, it wasn't working. When I had done it back on the island, I wasn't thinking about it, it came naturally as I jumped in front of the boy I loved.

Ah yes, a whole other issue, I haven't told Katsuki that I love him yet. Mostly because I'm to afraid to do anything because I'm a wimp but I can't just blurt it out whenever. The more I think about it, the more I develop into Izuku with his nonstop mumbling. What if I tell him and he doesn't love me back? My thoughts were interrupted by my Dad's voice.

"Now that you've finished up your first semester at U.A High, it's time for summer vacation to officially begin, however, don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes in the making. At this camp we'll push you to go beyond your limits, you're aiming to become Plus Ultra" Dad told us sternly.

"Yes Sir!" Everyone told him excited.

"I'm so psyched, I've been looking forward to this camp all semester Deku!" Uraraka told him while being very close to him.

"Oh yeah! It's definitely close, huh?" Izuku said waving his arms around and was the color of a tomato, I chuckled at my green haired friends nervousness.

"Hey what's the matter?" Uraraka asked confused leaning in even more, which made Izuku have sweat drops come down.

"I'm just a little hot!" Izuku said nervously, Uraraka then realized something and jumped back twenty feet now flustered as well.

"Let's here it for camp!" Uraraka shouted, attempting to take the attention off of her.

"Yeah! Camp! Camp! Camp! Camp!" a few of my classmates cheered along with her making me giggle at everyone's silliness, Katsuki just groaning next to me.

"I heard some of class A is taking extra courses! Does that mean they actually failed the final exams? That must be so embarrassing, especially since you're supposed to be so much better than my class. All of you must be wallowing in shame!" Monoma shouted to us, looking over I could see class B standing by the buses, Kendo hit Monoma making him fall to the ground unconscious.

"Hah, I'll never get tired of her!" I said with a laugh.

"Don't mind him!" Kendo said while dragging him onto the bus.

"Attention class A, our bus is here, everyone line up in seating order!" Iida yelled out to us while doing his hand motions.

We pilled onto the bus, I sat down next to Katsuki as the rest of our class got situated. Once we started moving and got onto the highway Dad spoke up.

"Here's the deal, we'll be on this bus about an hour before our first stop, make sure you stay focused" Dad told us, sitting in the front, although no one heard him.

I looked at Katsuki smiling but he had a face of annoyance as everyone on the bus was loudly talking or playing music. I poked his shoulder which made him turn to me.

"Are you excited?" I asked him, knowing full well he'd give me a snarky reply.

"It's a training camp not a vacation to a five star resort dumbass" he replied rolling his eyes.

"Well, I'm excited to train with everyone" I said but he just groaned in response.

I looked down at my bag and started to rummage through it, finally pulling out the large book and setting it on my lap.

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