Chapter Forty: Two Hero's Part Four

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"So you wanna pick a fight? Then let's see how tough you really are?" The villain asked while turning into a huge purple beast.

I shot huge earth walls at him as Shoto shot ice but the villain just barreled through destroying them. Shoto and I dodged him jumping to the side, my bare skin getting scraped on the ground in the process making me grunt. Looking up Katsuki was behind the villain then shot a huge explosion on his back making him fall forward. Katsuki landed on the ground but the villain jumped through the smoke.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima yelled pushing him out of the way while activating his hardening as the villain punched him sending Kirishima flying back.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima yelled pushing him out of the way while activating his hardening as the villain punched him sending Kirishima flying back

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"KIRISHIMA!" Katsuki and I yelled, as I stood up.

The other villain began sending waves of power at us and Shoto stopped them with ice as Katsuki jumped over to us. Katsuki was facing the huge purple villain, Shoto was facing the other male villain and I was facing the cat like woman.

"You kid's know how to fight, don't you?" The villain Shoto was facing asked.

"Hum, where'd you come from?" the beast like purple villain also added on.

"Yeah, awfully cute for some young boys" the woman purred and I growled at her and she smirked.

"Right, like we'd tell a couple of weak ass villains" Katsuki told them.

"Right, like we'd tell a couple of weak ass villains" Katsuki told them

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"Why would we tell you anything?" I asked glaring at them.

The villains then took off towards us, the cat like villain extending claws at me but I lifted the earth in front of her making her crash into it. She then jumped over the wall, crouching on top of it then smirked at me.

"Those boys are quite cute, it'd be a shame if I got my claws on one of them" she told me smirking, I glared at her as I shot a wave of air towards her but she was quick to jump over it and landed in front of me.

"What cat got your tongue sweetie?" she purred out then shot her claw ridden hand at me making me duct then swing my leg into her own knocking her to the ground.

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