Chapter Forty Four: The Aftermath

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Third Person POV

Vlad King was able to call emergency services not to long after the villains left, ambulances and firefighters arrived at the scene. Of the forty students that were at the camp, fifteen were unconscious and were in serious condition due to the gas, eleven others were injured, thirteen were unharmed physically and two were missing.

One of the six pro heroes was in serious condition because of a blow to the head, another was missing but it was apparent that she had lost a lot of blood. Meanwhile on the villain side, four were caught and arrested. The other attackers were able to disappear without a trace due to the warp villain.

Izuku Midoriya was being transported to a hospital for emergency surgery. Shota Aizawa was sitting down on rock, hands in his face, guilt, worry, fear plagued his mind for his daughter had been kidnapped without a trace. The class of 1-A all were scared, terrified even at the fact that Katsuki Bakugo and Akari Sasaki had been torn away from there grasp.

Akari's POV

I didn't feel anything, just like I was floating in a vast nothingness but then reality was brought back to me as I feel straight into wooden floors ...

I panted out a hard breath from the impact, I instantly looked up to see myself surrounded by villains. I shot myself up and swung my boxed hands around towards anyone near me. Most ducked and moved aside as I swung myself around in defense. I was then tackled to the ground by Twice and Toga, Twice holding onto my legs and Toga sat on my back while pulling my hair back and put a knife to my throat.

"Such fire for someone so young" Shigaraki said amused and I only growled and started to squirm under their hold.

I saw movement in the warp gate I had fallen through just a few moments earlier, so I stopped squirming. Dabi was walking backwards with his arm extended still in the gate, once his full body was through the gate my eyes widened. Katsuki was being held by Dabi and he fell back onto the floor once he was all the way through the gate.

Katsuki sprang up whipping around to face his kidnapper but stopped when he saw me on the floor. Katsuki was frozen, Toga let out a giggle then pulled my hair back further to stretch my neck out for easier access for her knife.

"Don't do anything stupid kid, unless you want princess over there to be sliced open right in front of you" Dabi told him smirking at me.

"Tie them both up" Shigaraki said taking charge.

They grabbed Katsuki first pulling him roughly in a chair, strapping him down with his hands in a metal block like mine with a collar around his mouth. After he was secure Toga let go of my hair and got off of me along with Twice. Dabi then walked over to me, pulling me off the ground, he plopped me down into a chair and began tying straps around my legs and arms. He grabbed the collar and smirked looking at me.

"Hmm, what do you think sweetheart?" he asked holding up the collar smirking.

"Go fuck yourself" I growled out but he just smiled at me.

"Might wanna watch what ya say there" he said getting super close to my mouth "I could actually do that right here, right now".

My face scrunched up in disgust as Dabi laughed at me, Katsuki was furious with his flirting as he began to try to escape from his bonds. Dabi looked back at him smirking then moved his body so he was behind me. I looked at Katsuki who was red in anger as he moved his arms around aggressively.

"Now now Bakugo, no need to get so rilled up" Dabi said smirking at him but Katsuki only got more pissed as he thrashed around in his chair.

Dabi placed a hand on my upper thigh then activated his Quirk, I screamed loudly from his burning hand. Dabi took his hand off of my thigh, my skin bright red from the burn. I huffed out air and looked at my burnt leg.

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