Chapter Twenty Four: Fight On Iida

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Shoto stood their, left side ignited as his right side was no longer being covered in ice. Shoto stood their with a huge smile on his face. Endeavor was yelling now happy he was using his fire but Shoto ignored him. The two boys got ready to fight when I realized how injured Izuku actually was and my smile dropped.

Cementoss started to make a barrier between the two as they shot at each other. They both gave off huge amounts of energy breaking the barriers and debris flew everywhere as well as wind, shielding my vision. Smoke clouded the arena, I looked around trying to see anything.

Finally, as smoke cleared Shoto was standing, half of his shirt ripped while Izuku was laying on the ground out of bounds. I quickly took off down to go meet them ignoring my classmates questions as to where I was going. I was walking towards Recovery Girl's office when I saw Shoto.

"Shoto Hey! Nice job on your fi-" I begin to say but is interrupted by my body being pulled into his.

I was shocked at the contact at first, but slowly put my arms around him. I could feel his heat still radiating off of him from his fight.

"Thank you" was all he said and I smiled.

I pulled apart from the hug looking at his ripped clothes, showing off his very muscular body. I blushed thinking about how I was just pushed up against him. I took a step back scratching the back of my neck.

"You should probably go change" I tell him avoiding eye contact.

"Why would I when watching you get flustered over it is funny" he said with a small laugh, I blushed even more now.

"Hah, did you just make a joke Shoto, didn't peg you for the funny type" I tell him laughing away my awkwardness.

"I better go check on Izuku" I tell him after my laughing dies down and he nods.

I walk away looking back at the heterochromatic boy, he stood there watching me as I walked away.

'Maybe I need to move on from Katsuki, onto someone new' I thought to myself.


After checking on Izuku, he was in surgery to fix his bones. The matches were continuing, Iida had won against Shiozaki by using his special move. It was now my turn to go up against Tokoyami.

I stood a crossed from him, looking around me. The pillars of fire at the four corners of the area we stood in practically we calling to me. I know Tokoyami's Dark Shadow gets timid in light so that's how I'll beat him. I smirked getting into fighting position.

"3, 2, 1...BEGIN!"

Dark Shadow came at me but I moved a piece of earth up blocking it, giving me enough time to try and get some fire

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Dark Shadow came at me but I moved a piece of earth up blocking it, giving me enough time to try and get some fire. I threw my arms behind me and then brought them forward making the fire fly towards my arms. The fire danced up my arms burning my jacket as it went.

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