Chapter Six: Deku vs Kacchan

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Author Note: Short chapter sorry :(


As we watched the screens, Katsuki obviously seemed even more pissed. They fought each other non stop but once Izuku realized Katsuki was changing his moves he ran away with Katsuki hot on his tail but ultimately lost him.

"Hey Akari, aren't you friends with those two?" Kirishima asked me making the entire class look at me.

"What, Oh yeah, we've been best friends forever now but Katsuki has got a serious problem with Izuku now a days" I inform everyone.

"Well that makes sense why Bakugo lets you call him by his first name and is all protective and stuff" A boy with yellow hair with a black bolt says, who I think his name is Kaminari.

"What! Protective? No way!" I tell him blushing slightly "That hedgehog is only protective of his ego!".

Everyone laughed at my statement and continued to watch the fight before them, Katsuki had finally found Izuku and held up his gauntlet. Izuku faced Katsuki while he held the gauntlet towards Izuku and pulled the pin back.

"Young Bakugo! Don't do it! You'll kill him!" All Might shouted in his ear piece which made me stand up worried.

Katsuki pulled the pin all the way and let off a huge explosion towards Izuku making the entire building shake.

Katsuki pulled the pin all the way and let off a huge explosion towards Izuku making the entire building shake

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I was wide eyed at the scene before me, All Might was trying to get Izuku to speak but he didn't answer. Looking at all the cameras around the screen I finally spotted him after the smoke cleared laying on the ground looking up slightly. Letting out a sigh and putting my hands on my knees, the stress to much to bare.

"Sir isn't this getting out of hand?" Kirishima asked.

"Not so" All might replied before telling Bakugo to not use that move again making Katsuki pissed off.

Katsuki then flung himself towards Izuku as Izuku got into fighting position, but Katsuki did a small blast in front of Izuku distracting him before jumping behind him and blasting him in the back making everyone gasp.

"What was that?" Kirishima asks shocked.

"He doesn't come off as a guy with a strategy but seems quite intelligent" Todoroki says.

"What are you talking about?" Kirishima inquired.

"He changed his trajectory while in mid air using a blast that doubled as a smokescreen" I finished for Todoroki making him have the very smallest smile.

"Very clever" Todoroki states, while everyone commented on his talents I continued to watch the fight.

Katsuki continued to beat Izuku relentlessly, while Izuku was on the ground he slowly got up and started to run away. Izuku stood near the window while Katsuki walked towards him aggressively. Izuku had his head down and looked up to Katsuki and instantly ran towards him. It was like slow motion watching them go at each other, Izuku activating his quirk then instead of hitting Katsuki he went upwards causing a massive air wave shock to blow through the floors above him. Uraraka used her quirk to get the bomb since the building was in pieces.

Once the smoke cleared, Izuku was laying on the ground as All Might announces their victory. Looking at Katsuki, he looked defeated and stunned.

'Oh Katsuki, don't take this to hard' I thought to myself.


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