Chapter Fifty Seven: A Season For Encounters

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I woke up feeling drained and sore, grumbling as I hit my alarm clock. I leaned up slightly as I realized I wasn't aloud to go to class today. Groaning once more I realized I was going to have to clean all the common rooms with the two idiots who got me in trouble. Kicking off my sheets I got ready for the day. After cleaning the scratches and cuts that I received I headed down to the kitchen.

Since I took my time all my other classmates had left to go to a assembly Principal Nezu was holding. Hopefully it wasn't about the fight last night but drama spreads like wildfire around here so I wouldn't be shocked if everyone knew about it already. Reaching the kitchen, I started to get myself some cereal. Grabbing a bowl and a spoon, then some milk but the issue happened when I realized Kaminari put the cereal up to high again.

"That idiot" I say to no one but attempt to reach it.

As I stretch up and try, my fingertips barely grasp the box making me groan. A warm presence is felt from behind me and then a taller more muscular arm grabs the box. Smelling the sweet smell of burnt sugar I knew it was Katsuki.

"You looked like you were struggling there short stuff" He says smirking while I turn around to face him.

"Thanks" I say smiling while taking the box from him and proceed to make myself breakfast.

Katsuki makes his way around the island and sits down while looking at me, I stare at him as I begin to eat my cereal.

"So do you have all your emotions in check today or am I gonna have to beat you up tough guy" I asked him laughing.

"Psh you couldn't lay a finger on me if you tried" Katsuki says cockily.

"Oh really now" I counter while raising my eyebrow making him smile.

I loved moments like these, when him and I are both happy and carefree but I need to know the truth.

"Are you okay?" I ask him now serious, he only looks away from me now.

"It was that damn Deku is all and now that I know what is truly going on, I don't want to pummel him completely now" Katsuki told me while shrugging and I roll my eyes.

"Okay what about us?" I asked him while taking another bite of my cereal.

"What about us?" He asked confused.

"I assume you felt betrayed by what happened and not to mention you thought you couldn't protect me so I just want to make sure we're okay I guess" I explained while looking into the milky bowl of cereal.

"You dumbass" He says while letting out a small laugh.

"Hey!" I say now looking up at him.

"Of course we're good, in fact we're number one in my book because you're my girl" Katsuki says while getting up and then started to clean the common room.

'His girl huh?' I think to myself smiling, small amounts of pink flooding to my cheeks.


I was cleaning the pantry while the boys were cleaning the common room. The pantry was a small room which contained all of the dry food we had. Taking the different snacks and dry food off the shelf's, I wiped down the messy shelf's. A loud bang made me jump and turn towards the pantry door. Katsuki stood there smirking at me with a wash cloth thrown over his shoulder.

"You scared me!" I told him smiling while throwing my towel at him which he easily caught.

"Don't be so jumpy then idiot" Katsuki said smirking while walking more towards me.

"How can I not be so jum-" I begin to say but is interrupted by his lips capturing mine.

I smile into the kiss, feeling butterflies fly around in my stomach. Our lips moved swiftly against one another, taking in the sweet taste of cherry. Katsuki's hands travel to my lower back and hip, grabbing it tightly and pulling me close. I run my hand down his toned back while one goes the opposite direction into his hair, twirling it lightly.

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