Chapter Seventeen: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy

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"Let's see what we have in store for you next. Will your wildest fantasies come to life? What could it be? The waiting is torture, prepare yourselves for this!" She said as the reader board pulled up 'Calvary battle'.

As Midnight explained, we can have teams of 2 to 4 people. Each player has been assigned a point value based on the results from the obstacle course. The points start as increments of five and then increase as you get higher with the results from ranking from the obstacle course.Izuku has ten million points though since he got first, I widened my eyes not wanting to be with him.

"That's right it's survival of the fittest! It's a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!" Midnight said way to excited.

I had 195 points, as I looked around a certain three boys had their eyes on me. Izuku has Uraraka next to her and a girl from a support course. Todoroki had Iida and Momo next to him. Finally, Katsuki had Kirishima and a bunch of others swarming him. Logically I needed to pick someone with a similar quirk to mine and that would be able to help me. Izuku, Katsuki and Todoroki all were standing their waiting for me to head in a direction. I looked down but started to walk over to Todoroki making Izuku look down sad and Katsuki pissed off.

"I want to join your team Todoroki" I told him, he nodded in agreement.

My team was Todoroki, Momo, Iida and I making us have a total of 715 points. As we strategized a plan I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder to Katsuki who was practically throwing daggers at me. I sighed and turned my attention back at my group.

"I chose the three of you because I believe we will make the most stable formation possible. Kari will be my left side and you can keep enemies at bay. Yaoyorozu, you'll take right wing. Focus on insulation and defense. Iida, you'll take front, will rely on you for mobility and physical defense" Todoroki explained to us

"And you'll be attacking and creating diversions of ice and fire, is that right?" I questioned him.

"Not quite, when I am in battle I never use my left side" Todoroki said while looking into the crowds at his father.

Iida and Momo walked away to go get ready for the competition. I stood there with Todoroki as he glared at his father.

"Todoroki" I said getting his attention.

"I don't like using my fire either, whenever I do I usually hurt either myself or others around me. I understand why you do it though, he seems like a real ass up there, standing with his arms crossed and all" I tell him making him laugh while referring to the number two hero Endeavor, his father.

"Thank you Akari" he told me and I smiled at him.

"No problem Todoroki!" I told him and began to walk away but he grabbed my hand stopping me.

"Call me Shoto" he said blushing slightly and I smiled while nodding then headed over to Iida and Momo.

We had about fifteen minutes before the match started and I was in a hallway drinking some water we I felt a hand on my shoulder making me turn around.

"Oh hey Katsuki" I said to him while a smile.

"Why did you choose the half n' half bastard over me?" He asked rudely with his arms crossed.

"I chose Shoto because I needed someone with a similar Quirk and ours fit well together" I explained as I began to walk away.

"Shoto? What you calling him by his first name now too?" He asked very visible upset, making me tilt my head.

"Well him and I are friends?" I pointed out "Just like us?".

He stood there staring at me like I have betrayed him.

"Yeah friends whatever" he said then walked away.

'What the hell was that? One day he's kissing me then the next is jealous?' I asked myself, but he's the one who didn't kiss me again so why would he be jealous?


The crowd was cheering crazily as we were all in position. Present Mic then began the countdown to begin the match.

"3...2...1 Begin!"

We took off running onto the field towards Izuku, we waited a bit since everyone was attacking him at first. Some teams tried to attack us but I used air to just push them a good distance away, but once everyone was preoccupied with other teams we approached him.

"I'll be taking that now" Todoroki told him


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