Chapter Sixty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Then life's got something on you, bro." he patted my shoulder, curling his lip.

"Okay, I'll give it a try but I'll kill you if something goes wrong!" I cautioned.

"I'm all yours," he winked as I stood up and left the room to hers.

I knocked on the door and tried waiting patiently for her until my legs got bored and couldn't help but tao the floor restlessly.

"Come in!" She yelled from within and I slowly opened the door.

She concentrated on something on her phone and my laptop.

"Sorry, I'm still using it." She apologized as I stared at my system.

"Its okay." I shrugged and sat down beside her.

"What's this?" I asked, staring at the screen.

"I'm just trying to reclaim my space in college.
I mentioned it during breakfast, remember? They've sent a ton of mails asking of my whereabout." She sighed.


"I know, right." She half shrugged and returned her gaze to the screen.

A long silence protruded as she kept tapping and typing, fully concentrated.

"Bella - " I called out.

"Yeah?" She asked, not looking up.

I took in a deep breath."I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah?" She turned at me and my tongue almost fell to the floor.

"There's this frat party - and I was wondering if you'd like to come." I blurted.

"Frat parties...sounds fun - almost a little bit too much fun." She shrugged and continued with her work.

"So, is it a yes or a no?" I asked, trailing my eyes to her face.

She turned at me with clover green eyes penetrating into mine. I think I got lost in there. They were so hypnotic and drop dead!

"Sure!" She finally said simply and continued with her work.

Is she for real?

"Are you serious? Like, for real?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, i'm game! Just as long as you promise to not leave me alone for more than a second and I do not want to get drunk." She stated her rules.

You don't want to get drunk? Then what's the point, lady?

"Yeah, sure! Till then." I smiled with a cry in me and left the room, carefully closing the door.

I barged into my room and clenched my fists, slamming them on the wall.

"Chill, bro! What'd she say?" Adrian asked, standing up and headed to where I stood with his hand on his waist and the other paced on my shoulder.

"She had rules!" I yelled in anger and shrugged his hand off my shoulder.

"Rules?" He yelped in laughter,holding his stomach. "She's really got something on you." He nudged me on the shoulder and drenched in his weird laughter.

"Shut up!" I pushed him to the floor and slumped on the bed.

He crawled to the bed just beside me. "A girl gave you rules. What are you? A five year old?" He mimicked in an annoying tone and squeezed his eyes, making his laughter a lot more irritating.

God, please kill this dude!

"I said, shut the fuck up!" I carped angrily with narrowed eyes.

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