The One Where Reggie Loses the Babies

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"Really." She nodded, smiling smugly.

"Alright then, guess I'll have to take this into my own hands."

"Reggie, what are you—Reggie!"

He scooped her off the couch, tossing her over his shoulder in one easy motion. Vader woke up with a start, scampering out of the way when he saw what was going on. Still holding Lydia, Reggie flopped onto the couch, holding Lydia so that she landed on top of him, their chests pressed together.

Lydia was clinging to his shoulders, her heart racing with the shock of being picked up. Slowly, she looked up at him, her green eyes narrowed. "Rude."

"You wouldn't share," he murmured, brushing her hair out of her face to kiss her lightly on the nose. "And I wanted to cuddle."

Rolling her eyes, she wrapped her arms around his waist, settling in with her head on his chest. "I suppose you are pretty comfy." Yawning again, she cuddled in closer. "And I was hoping to take a little afternoon nap before—"

There was a knock on the door, and Lydia groaned, burying her face in his chest.

"Come in!" Reggie called, trying not to laugh as he ran his fingertips through Lydia's messy hair. She sighed contentedly, so he didn't sit up yet, giving her a final moment of peace before they had to be responsible for six-month-old twins.

The door opened, and they were greeted by Sweet Pea's voice. "Where are you guys?"

"Hello to you, too," Lydia murmured, finally sitting up to look at them over the couch.

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, and Reggie sat up with a smirk, earning a troubled look from his friend. "Please don't tell me you two are mid-fuck right now."

"Sweet Pea!" Jubilee snapped, glaring at him. "What the hell? No swearing in front of the—oh fuck, I just—I fu—here." She set down the baby-carrier on the table, her lips curving into a soft smile when she saw the sleeping baby. "You guys take them because clearly, I can't go three words without cursing."

Laughing, Lydia climbed off of Reggie, pulling her oversized cardigan tighter around herself as she padded into the kitchen. "How are my favorite babies doing today?" she cooed, seeing that both were awake now.

Sweet Pea was unclipping the baby he had carried, already handing her over to Lydia as she approached. "Very, very excited to have a night out," he replied.

Lydia rolled her eyes as she took Enid, immediately playing with her tiny fingers. "Hello, beautiful," she laughed, her eyes lighting up as the baby smiled. "I am so happy to see you today."

"Amazing how quickly she changes her mind," Reggie mused, rolling off the couch to take the other baby. "What were you saying five minutes ago? Something about—"

"Oh, shush," Lydia cut him off. She giggled as Enid reached for her necklace, prying her tiny fingers off of the sparkly diamond. "I am happy to babysit, even if my dearest husband only gave me ten minutes notice."

Jubilee chuckled, giving Reggie an amused look as he rolled his eyes. "Well, I am sure you four will have a great night. They are at such a cute age. And remember, since they're eating solid food now, they poop non-stop and cry the second their diapers are wet. Oh, and as you can see, Enid's in a phase of grabbing everything she can get her sticky little hands on, and Weylin's gotten really into pulling hair."

"Don't forget the screaming bloody murder whenever you leave the room," Sweet Pea added, with an almost-deranged laugh. "Even when you just need to go to the bathroom and they are perfectly safe in their crib."

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