Chapter 29

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(This chapter is dedicated to silentsorrows-, I hope you feel better, sis ❤️❤️❤️)


"What were you thinking?! He could've killed you!"


Star flicked her tail in frustration. She'd been throat to throat with Tigerfish for most of the day, trying to figure out what the heck was going on with the SeaWing.

"Look, I gave the pouch to a friend of mine, a RainWing. She's gonna help us get Lupe back." Tiger said, letting out an exasperated sigh. "I'm trying to help save him, you dig?"

Star huffed and slapped the ground with her tail. "I get it, just please next time don't do something stupid and dangerous like that again?" She said, looking into the smaller dragons eyes.

Tiger rolled her eyes and nodded reluctantly, and Star sighed again internally. Moons this house is falling apart... She thought with a twinge of sadness. Lupus would know what to do. He always did. This certainty was holding her together right now, holding this house together. Lupus would come back to her, she knew it.

"Tiger, I'm gonna head into the market to get some supplies. You want to tag along?"

Tiger nodded and smiled some, twirling her tail with Stars. "We all miss him." She comforted.

Star nodded and Tiger nuzzled into Stars neck, trying to extend her comfort in sisterly affection. Star obliged and returned the gesture, nuzzling into Tigers neck with a soft sigh. They pulled back after a while and Tiger went to get ready, leaving Star alone in the foyer. As Tiger left she dropped something, but Star didn't really know what until she picked it up and looked at it closely. It was a single scrap of paper, written on it in faded ink were the words:-

I enchant Arctic to obey my every command.

Star was puzzled. Who was arctic? As her mind started going and wandering through the possibilities of who this arctic character was she heard Tigerfish clamber back down the stairs. Star quickly placed the parchment back on the ground and pretended she didn't see it. Tiger walked up and casually pushed the parchment under a rug, thinking Star hadn't noticed it but she did.

"Hey tiger, you ready?" She asked to the smaller SeaWing. Tiger nodded eagerly and bounded to the door. "Ready!" She exclaimed.

Tiger rushed out first, followed by Star with the keys in talon. "Got money....crossbow....journal...what else?" She listed off aloud as she got to getting ready to lock the door.

Tiger shrugged and hopped down the steps, leaving Star at the doorstep. With a click, Star locked the front door. Paragon was asleep, he had been up all night watching Lupus. Python and Mamba were at their new mansion, probably planning their next operation to bringing this town back to life. Star trudged down the steps to meet Tiger, and the two set off to the market, tails swishing in tow.


Paragon woke up with a grunt, the slam of the front door had jostled him awake. Where was he? Last thing he remembered he had been on guard duty, watching Lupus, no, Prophet.

He felt the cool touch of sheets and a bed beneath him, not the rough irregular sensation of cold stone. Tigerfish must have seen him asleep and moved him upstairs.

Looking around the room he noticed some of Tigers things, the bell, and a few seashells. The sheets also smelled faintly of her scent. Paragon deduced he was in Tigerfish's room, and she had probably moved him up here with animus magic.

He sat up and stretched, feeling his back pop and come to attention for the start of his day. Paragon grabbed his pike and went to head downstairs, his brain buzzing with thoughts of what had happened whilst he was sleeping.

As he went to open the door to his room he found a note taped to it. It was in Tigerfish's scribbly handwriting, so unorganized and scrawly, but then sane and collected all at once.

"Hey Paragon, just wanted to let you know that me and Star are going into possibility to buy supplies, if we aren't back by the time you wake, please don't worry. -Tiger"

Paragon read the note and smiled, happy to know that Tigerfish was finally enjoying herself and trying to spend time with Star. He knew Star wasn't in a good place currently and she needed people around her that she could take comfort in. Paragon didn't know how much comfort she would find in a ball of borderline insane psychotic energy with red scales, but he hoped that Star would find SOME comfort in Tigerfish, whether it be babysitting her or getting in trouble with her.

He walked out of his room, firmly grasping his pike. The mansion was quieter than the ice lakes outside the cliff, not a sound to be heard. Normally he could at least hear the wind against the windows, or the occasional slamming of doors inside the house, but not a sound was to be heard. He walked into the shared space outside the dorms and went to peek into Terras room, hoping to find the mute MudWing somewhere or another. Sure enough, Terra was out like a light, his tablet laying on the nightstand next to him.

Paragon went to wake the MudWing, but upon noticing how comfortable and how sound asleep he was, he refrained from doing so.

Still weirded out at how quiet things were, Paragon closed Terras door silently and headed downstairs, now going to check the rest of the house.

Walking down the spiral stairs, he smelled something off, something that smelled like....

Paragon hadn't smelled that smell in years. It was a familiar but unfamiliar scent at the same time, like the ruffled covers of old family, old friends.

He hefted up his pike and made his way to the smell, his nose leading him on a journey to the doorway of the dining room. Pike out in front of him, he gently pushed open the door. The room was pitch black, and just as he went to close the door, four sets of talons grabbed him, the pike being removed from his grasp. He thrashed and tried to escape his captors but it was no use. He was dragged into the dining room, into the black void of nothingness.

He thrashed and struggled with all his might but the four sets of talons had him pinned down in a position where he couldn't fight them. Paragon felt a set leave, just for a second, and the door closed, leaving him in pitch black with his captors.

Paragon tried to yell for help but it was no use, he had been beat.

Just as he thought they were going to haul him away or snuff him, there was a burst of flame, and the room was illuminated.

He was greeted by the smiling faces of his family, his winglet! Tigerfish, Mamba, and Python were holding him down, and Star had closed the door! "Surprise!" They all roared in unison.

A cake set on the table, candles lit to be blown out, and Paragons heart melted once he realized who it was for. His eyes got all misty, and he looked to Tigerfish. "Did you do this? Did you tell them?"

Tigerfish nodded and gave Paragon a tight hug. "Happy hatching day, buddy."

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