Chapter 26

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Star was paralysed. She stared at Prophet in shock, waiting for something, anything, to show her it was an act. Lupus wood give her a big hug and tell her it was okay and kiss her and-

No. Lupus was gone.

Paragon snarled and rushed Prophet, trying to tackle him to the ground. At the last second, Prophet slid to the side, causing Paragon to ram into the wall. "That all you got?" Prophet mocked with a malicious grin.

Star ran to find a weapon, anything, really. She found her crossbow, laying on the kitchen table. She rushed back to see Paragon standing up, wincing. The bigger hybrid rushed Prophet once again, this time however, feinting away at the last second. Prophet, now off guard, was tripped up, and tackled by Paragon. The dagger the assassin was holding clattered to the floor, skidding across the room.

Paragon slashed at the hybrid, leaving gashes and cuts on Prophet. Star rushed over, trying to hold him back. "Paragon!" She yelled desperately, trying to pull him off of Prophet.

Paragon growled and threw Star off of him. "this is for Tigerfish, you monster." He snarled, and with two slashes, he cut straight through Prophets wings.

Star gasped, watching the scuffle from the ground. Her wing ached, but her main concern was Paragon. Gosh, why did I even bring Terra here?

Lupus is going to die because of me..

She took the crossbow up in her talons, and loaded a single bolt. It wasn't anything special, just a normal crossbow bolt.

It still would hurt though.

She aimed it at Prophet, sighting it in. She pulled the trigger, letting the bolt fly.

The bolt soared straight and true, right into Paragon's wing. CRAP! Star

Paragon howled out in pain, and Prophet took the opportunity to slam an arm into the bigger dragons chest. Paragon went limp, and Prophet shoved the now unconscious dragon off of himself.

"Now with that out of the way, where is the alchemist?" Prophet sneered, his face marred with cuts. To Star's horror, the cuts began slowly healing. Soon they were scars, and then they were gone.

Prophet walked towards Star, and she began frantically dragging herself away, heart beating with terror.

Paragon had gotten up, reaching for something to throw at Prophet. Without a glance, Prophet drew a dagger from his belt with lightning speed, and threw it, tacking Paragon's good wing to the wall. Paragon screamed in agony and Star snarled, reloading the crossbow that she had been dragging with her.

Just as she was about to fire a bolt into Prophet's chest, there was a resounding crash as the chandelier fell atop Prophet.

"That's what you get, you monster." The voice of Tigerfish echoed down from the top of the stairs. She was standing by the place where you could lower and raise the chandelier, with a dagger in her talons.

A few hours later.

Star's arms hurt.

After Tigerfish had dropped the chandelier on Prophet, the three of them, Paragon, Star, and Tigerfish, had spent hours dragging Prophet to the dungeons, hoping that the iron prison would contain him.

Tigerfish stood outside the cell, as if she was watching Prophet, making sure he was restrained. Her brow furrowed, and she turned to Star, who had also been watching Prophet.

"I'm going to enchant his chains. Keep him from escaping." Tigerfish said, a definite seriousness to her tone. This was out of the ordinary for Tigerfish, but Star nodded, approving of the idea.

Tigerfish murmured an enchantment, and turned back to Star. "That should hold, for now." She said, blinking her eyes groggily.

Suddenly, Tigerfish collapsed on the floor. Star rushed to catch her before she hit, and caught her. "Terra!" She yelled.

This was going to be a long few days.

NOIR:- A Wings of Fire FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora