Chapter 16

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Mamba's voice echoed along the halls of the manor, causing Lupus to wince slightly.

"Star and Python were kidnapped. We have to go save them!" The tribred began pacing anxiously, his eyes flicking back and forth. Honestly, he'd never seen the normally peaceful healer get so wound up before, and it surprised him.

"Of course. Yes, that's what we have to do." Mamba nodded his head, taking deep breathes to calm himself down. "What should I bring?"

"You don't understand," Lupus growled worriedly. "We need to go now. Who knows what the Saint is doing to them!"

There was a loud crashing noise, along with some yelling. Tigerfish walked in, carrying a club that was almost as big as her. "What's going on?" She asked, obviously hearing the shouting.

"Star and Python got captured." Lupus explained, walking upstairs to get his weapons. They had to go, now. He didn't know how much time his friends had before The Saint killed them, and he didn't want to find out the hard way.

Lupus snapped his talons and called his set of throwing knives to him, along with his normal knife he usually carried. Again, he beat himself up for not taking it. It wasn't ever going to leave his side again.

Lupus strapped the gear under his wings, and turned to Mamba, who surprisingly already had his katana strapped onto his back. "Ready?" He asked the healer.

Mamba nodded, and Tigerfish bumped Lupus right in the shoulder. "I wanna come!" She said, brandishing the club. Lupus laughed some, but the dread of losing Python and Star quickly drowned out the small prick of joy.

Lupus looked to Tigerfish. She wasn't that big, and judging from how she was holding the club, she needed something smaller. "You can come, but I'm getting you something smaller." Lupus finally decided.

Tigerfish let out a small squeak of joy, and pulled Lupus into a tight hug. From the stairs, Lupus heard someone clear their throat.

Sure enough, Paragon was standing there, watching the whole scene with a surprisingly jealous expression. Lupus smiled sheepishly and hugged Tiger, but the two quickly separated.

"Lupus..." Mamba prompted, gesturing towards the mansion's door. "We need to get going, like you were so anxious too before..."

"Right!" Lupus responded, snapping his talons. A rather small silver knife with a black leather sheath flew to his talons, and he showed it to Tigerfish. "This works?" He asked, and Tiger eagerly nodded.

After gearing up, the group set off on the long journey to the massive, gloomy compound. The sun had set in the earlier hours of their time, and as they made their way thru the dark, Lupus could feel his heart beating fearfully in his chest. What if they were too late? He thought with a pang of guilt. This was on him. He shouldn't have let Star stay.

It should've been him.

They approached the compound, and Mamba let out a small gasp. "It's huge" he whispered to Lupus, looking out as the massive walled in area of the structure.

(Okay, from now on out, there will be a gore warning, so please be advised, reader. -Necrox)

After deciding on a rather intricate plan, the group set out. Lupus and Tigerfish would take point, with Paragon holding up the rear. Mamba would run recon with a large telescope that he had brought, as he didn't like taking lives.

Lupus and Tigerfish made their way to the compound door, and as soon as they were about to enter, a guard saw them. He was a SandWing, clad with a helmet and spear. "Hey you!" He shouted, rushing at Tigerfish.

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