Chapter 7

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(This is shortly after the vision in chapter 6.)

Lupus sat on a cliff, near where his sleeping cave was. There were many ways in and out of the mountain, and an exit was just over by where his sleeping cave was.

Agh. My head still hurts. He thought himself, while massaging his head gently. Wonder who that dragon is. He's a NightWing for sure.
He pulled out his journal again, and this time began jotting down details of the vision, trying to remember all he could.

After a while of writing, he gave up on the recollection of his vision. As he was putting up his book, a talon gently tapped his shoulder.

He stood up and whirled around, looking for the source of his elevated heartbeat. A dragon, the one he had ran into the other day in the hall, was standing there. Lupus sighed in relief and said with a laugh, "Phew! You scared the crap out of me" The dragon smiled shyly and giggled. She responded anxiously, "Our conversation was just cut short earlier."
Lupus nodded and smiled, sitting back down. "Yeah, bells are kind of annoying. I didn't ask when we first met, but what is your name?" She sat down next to him, and after a while, she told him. "My name is Starseeker, my friends, if I had any, would call me Star." "That's a nice name!" Lupus looked at her , and he then realized how beautiful she was.

She was a NightWing, like him, but he sensed she wasn't just that. He'd have to look in her head to be sure. Why don't I just ask? He thought to himself.
"Sooo....are you like me?" Lupus then asked Star.
Her brow furrowed in confusion. ""
"Yeah, like me, you know, a hybrid."
Her eyes widened, and she understood what he was asking. "Yeah, I'm a hybrid. NightWing RainWing to be precise. Little bit of SkyWing from my mom."
Lupus nodded. "I'm part NightWing, RainWing, and IceWing."

"Oh! Cool!" Star responded and smiled brightly.

Out of nowhere, she leaned up against him. W-what is she doing? Lupus thought, astonished at this. "H-hey, Star, what are you doing?" He asked with a hint of question in his voice. She pulled back, smiling sheepishly. "Nothin" Lupus laughed. "Seems like a lot of nothing to me. I don't mind." She giggled and leaned back into him.

As if a second death sentence to this peaceful moment, the bell tolled, signaling the end of the class. "Looks like you gotta go!" Star smiled and sat up. Lupus sighed and got up. Star patted his shoulder gently and looked at him. "We can talk later, okay?" Lupus sighed again and nodded. "I guess so. Where can I find you?" She didn't respond, but instead handed him a makeshift map of the mountain, and then pointed at a small unused part of the caves. "Right here. Tsunami put me in this cave, it isn't much, but I've made it my home."

After a while, he made his way to the history cave, which Star had told him how to get to.

Walking in as the bell rang, he promptly laid down in the corner and listened to Webs, the older SeaWing that brought in the fish. "Welcome to history." He calmly said to the group, which as Lupus had noticed, was made up of two winglets. "Today, we are going to be learning about the scorching, and the time before dragons ruled the continent." The IceWing from the other winglet yawned loudly, and sighed. "Can't we learn about something more interesting than that?" Webs calmly responded to her with a simple "All stories start somewhere my dear. And end, of course."

Webs droned on and on about the scorching, and how scavengers lived. After a while, Lupus quietly slid out his journal and began writing, to hopefully get his mind off the incessant droning that the elder dragon was doing.

As if like a tap on the shoulder, he was alerted to Moon's mental voice, calling out to him. Lupus. Are you okay? What happened earlier at the prey center?
Lupus responded to this question rather hesitantly, as he wasn't too eager to disclose information about his visions. Just a headache. That's all. Moon stared over at him with a rather puzzled look. You looked like me, whenever I have a vision. Splitting headaches, needing to run off and curl up in feeble position. So on and so forth. Lupus sighed quietly and gave in. Fine! Okay I had a vision. It was about me being someone's "puppet". You know, the usual "death destruction the world is going to end" stuff.
Moon's eyes widened and she nodded. Tell me about it later, She said.

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