Chapter 1

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(I'm going to start this off in third person, but for those who want first person, you'll get it soon :3)
In a dark cave nestled in the mountains of the Sky Kingdom, a lone hybrid had just woke up from a stressful sleep. This hybrids name was Lupus, and he was cursed with many "gifts" as his parents said before they died. Those "gifts" were mind reading, foresight (prophecy), and the worst of them all, given to him from his mother's ancestors, animus magic. He sat up and poked his head tentatively out of the cave, and looked out at the sunrise. It was beautiful, just like a painters canvas of reds and oranges and yellows. He absolutely loved the sight. His scales, which due to him being a hybrid, were rainwing scales, therefore they could shift color to be in tune with his emotions. Right now, they were a dark black, as he was trying to hide his secret.

The sun was partially up in the sky as he finally decided to make his way to Jade Mountain, with many regrets on the choice, but determined to be accepted, he forced himself to eat a small meal and forge ahead to the mountain.

Coming to the large cave that marked the entrance to the Academy, he saw a Nightwing, just about his size, with silver scales under her eyes. As he approached, she greeted him kindly, "Hello! I'm Fatespeaker! Who might you be?", Lupus smiles shyly and said "Hey. My name is Lupus.",His voice came out all croaky, as he hadn't talked to another dragon in forever. "That's a nice name!" Fatespeaker responded kindly "Are you a Nightwing? I haven't seen you before back at the rainforest."
"I am." Lupus kindly responded, rather scared of someone finding out his secret so soon. "Well anyways see you around." He said and quickly picked up his map and information about who his claw mates were.

He looked warily down the hall, hearing chatter from others minds as he passed other dragonets. Wonder who the new guy is. The SandWing looked at Lupus with a curious expression. Lupus kept moving on, wary of the fact he had many eyes on his back.

He arrived in his cave and noticed three beds, one hewn of leaves, and the others small hammocks Am I with a Rainwing? He thinks nervously, afraid of the tribe that once kicked him out coming to haunt his newfound second chance. He lay down on the small pile of leaves and relaxed, deciding to worry about this after he got some extra sleep.

(Released some edits to this chapter so for those who'd like to read it again, it's up :D 6/22/19)

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