Chapter 3

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Lupus walked back into the cave, with Moon at his side. Kinkajou was sitting there, waiting patiently for them to come back inside. As they entered, Kinkajou looked up and smiled brightly at them. "Soooo, you two got a thing or something?", she asked warily. Hope I'm not with a couple. It would be cool, but then I wouldn't have two new best friends to hang out with. Lupus responded with a calm smile "I don't think we are there yet.". A relieved look crossed Moons face and her mind chimed out Phew, glad he explained that instead of me having to. "Anyways, we're going to try and find the library, do you want to come?" Lupus asked Kinkajou, wanting to involve all of his new clawmates in this endeavor. Kinkajou's face lit up brightly, and she sat up, "Sure! I'd love to come!", she responded eagerly and added, "I can show you two the way if you want, it's not that far from here!"

Moments later, the trio set off, Lupus and Moon warily following the bubbly dragonet, who was eager to greet and smile at every single dragon she saw.

After a small eternity, Kinkajou suddenly stops, and turns around, "This is the library! Moon you'll probably love it here and if you don't I will literally find you some place that you will love" her thoughts carried on this statement even further, and Lupus had to massage his head to make it stop. Probably need to find a more foolproof method to block thoughts. He thought quietly to himself. Moon looked over at him and nodded, hearing what he was thinking.

As they entered the library, a Nightwing who was sitting at a desk looked over at them, and Lupus realized the dragon was blind, due to the scars on his eyes and face.  "Hello? Kinkajou is that you?". His voice came out with a tone of question in it, and Kinkajou happily responded "Yes" and bounded over to the front desk, where the Nightwing was sitting, running his talons over a piece of wood, which looked somewhat like a stamp. Kinkajou motioned Moon and Lupus over.

As they approached the desk, Starflight began taking out a pair of stamps from the drawer beside him, and setting them on the surface of the desk. "I suppose the pair that just now approached me are Kinkajou's clawmates, Moonwatcher and....Lupus?", he asked this question while fiddling with the stamps, which now as Lupus got a better look at them, were inscribed with writing. So he can read them. Lupus mused to himself. Moon responded with a quick "Yes it is us" and made it of up most priority to stare blankly at the wall and windows, which Kinkajou had mentioned earlier were made with leaves from the rainforest. Lupus reached out tentatively to get his stamp, and the blind dragon drew his talons across his, and then asked "Your talons, they don't feel that much like a Nightwing's at all.". As this statement was made, both Moon and Kinkajou turned to Lupus, and as if their thoughts were in sync, both their minds chimed out, I did notice that, he doesn't seem much Nightwing at all.  Lupus stood in silence for a small eternity, his thoughts a loop on how to tell them the truth.

After a while, he responded, "My father was an Icewing, and my mother.....well she was a Nightwing Rainwing hybrid. They raised me in the rainforest.". The tension in the room came to a sudden end as Lupus finished his answer. Kinkajou looks puzzled for a second, then asks the question most asked him when they found this out, "Wait, so if you're a hybrid, why don't you look like one? Where are your Icewing scales? Or even at that, where are your Rainwing scales?". Lupus held up a talon to interject, and as he did he could hear the small points of question inside Moon and Kinkajous minds. Starlight however, already had figured it out, and was sitting there listening intently. Lupus smiled and calmly said, "I have Rainwing scales, so right now I'm sort of disguising myself as a Nightwing.", after he finished this statement, he willed his scales to change to their normal color, a dark black with many different shades of blues mixed in. His eyes were a striking cyan color, as they were in his Rainwing form. Kinkajou's thoughts were all over the place as he did this, with many of them focusing on his eyes and scales, as to how unique they were, but they soon went back to how awesome school was. Lupus hastily changed his scales back to the luscious black, leaving his eyes the same color. He then picked up his stamp, and slid it into a black leather pouch, then motioned Moon over to the shelves, where the books were.

"Moon, in order for you to stay sane, I would suggest that we find some way to help you block thoughts." Lupus said this in a low voice, as for no one else to hear him. Moon responded with a very strong point, "Well if there are no more mind readers, who will teach me?". Lupus smiled, the first real show of emotion whatsoever in his face, and said simply "Your teacher, if you are willing, is next to you."

Moon smiled brightly and nodded, greatly enjoying this suggestion, as they could stay up and work on her mind reading. Lupus smiled once again, eager to have a close friend to share his skill with. After glancing over some of the "Animus Magic" scrolls and "Nightwing Legends", they finally met back up with Kinkajou, who was still talking with Starflight about the "Secret Powers" of Nightwings.

Lupus glanced back around the library, and then gently tapped Kinkajou on the shoulder, "Hey Kinkajou, we're just about ready to go.". Kinkajou nodded, and bid farewell to Starflight, then joined back up with the pair. "So where to now you two?", she asked with a small tone of hunger in her thoughts. Moon's stomach rumbled uncomfortably and she smiled sheepishly. Lupus almost couldn't contain himself, and he grinned as well. "I'd suppose we go to the prey center next" he suggested with a tone of stark irony in his voice. Moon and Kinkajou both nodded and and agreed almost in unison.

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