Chapter 10

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Star's day started out pretty badly, but it got a whole lot better after she saw Lupus.

After they had met up at the underground cave, they both agreed that they should at least go see Moon. Moon was probably worried sick from what had happened, and she probably needed an explanation. Star strode down the hall with Lupus, staying close to him, but not TOO close, that would just be creepy. Lupus had donned an eyepatch to cover up his missing eye, and he walked with a confident stride, as if he had survived something terrible. Star would have to ask about that later.

They found Moonwatcher coming out of one of the classrooms. Star didn't remember which one, as she only memorized the corridors and layout of the school, not all the classrooms.

As soon as Moon saw Lupus, her face lit up brighter than the sun. "Lupus! You're alive! Three moons! I thought you weren't going to survive that." Moon ran into Lupus's arms, pulling him into a tight hug. Star flinched and looked away, unable to watch. Lupus then asked Moon, "Did you get the book?" Moon nodded. "I did, but I haven't really looked at it much. It's over my you know- stuff right?" Lupus nodded and responded "It is. It should help you a lot with using your- stuff. I see that being a good path where you avoid Darkstalker." Lupus said this in a rather lower tone, as there was another dragon present. A SandWing by the looks of him, the same one she saw with Moon earlier.

The SandWing approached Star, and kindly held out a talon. "Hello" He said to her, with a smile on his face. Star took his talon, and shook it. He smiled and then asked. "So, who might you be? I'm Qibli, that annoying SandWing companion that every winglet needs!" Qibli barked a laugh as he said this, and Star couldn't help smiling and giggling some. "I'm Star" She said and then added. "I'm a friend of Lupus's".

After the introductions were done, and explanations were given, with lots of questions to be answered, Lupus and Star said their goodbyes and headed back to their new cave, deciding to stop at the library on the way to get some books as well.


Mamba was extremely distraught. A patient comes in with so many injuries it would take a miracle to cure him, and he leaves for FIVE MINUTES to get a MANGO and his patient's gone.

What. A. Day.

The only thing left of his almost dead patient was a note. Having taught himself how to read, it wasn't that hard to make out the scraggly handwriting. The note read this:-


Please meet me at the cave on the end of the hall, and knock three times on the blank wall.

Look forward to seeing you.

Mamba was infuriated. His patient was already up and exploring?!? Three moons! Why doesn't anyone just TAKE IT SLOW after they get hurt?

After a quick decision, Mamba decided to follow the directions in the note. He DID have responsibility for his patient still. REST. RECUPERATE. RECOVER. REMEDIATE. That was his motto, and every single patient he had was held to it. No CRAZY stuff and absolutely no RUNNING OFF AND GETTING HURT AGAIN.

Mamba was a rather crazy dragon himself, but only alone with no responsibility. When he had a job, he did the job. Most RainWings loved hanging out with him when he wasn't working, but according to most, it was a curse to be one of his patients.

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