Chapter 6

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Lupus sat on the ledge, holding the leather journal in his hands. The metal clasp was beckoning to him, to dive into the pages of his destiny, the pages he had written of the future, the past, and the present.

There were three other journals, hidden along the continent, filled to the brim with predictions and visions, along with knowledge. Suppose it wouldn't hurt to write. He thought, and opened up the clasp of the book.

A ribbon marked the page he had left off on, and he gently opened the journal to the ribbon, taking a look at the page, covered with fresh ink and filled to the edge of the page with what he could remember about the scrolls. He pulled out a pair of reading glasses, and put them on. As he looked at the title, he smiled, eager to find out the truth about his abilities.

A Scroll on the Cognitive Abilities
Of The Nightwings
Written by Listener and Whiteout

As he looked down the page, he found what he had been thinking about earlier. The page of how to clear his head.

As he looked at the title, he read it aloud, silently, but still using his hoarse voice. "A young NightWing's guide to clearing his head of others thoughts."

He drew out a small pen, and went through the notes, circling important passages and annotating the slim, leftover margin that bordered the page.
Ways to hide your thoughts, and the thoughts of others. Finally! A way to tune out. Lupus smiled with eagerness.

He absorbed the notes quickly, adding on to them as he remembered more. After a while, he began practicing the techniques. Clear your mind with a repetitive noise, but a calming one. He did so, remembering the rain from the rainforest. Now this works! He thought, his brain and head finally clear. The headache he had had since birth, the pain near the back of his skull, was gone. He gently closed the small book and redid the clasp, and slid the book back into his satchel.

After a short while of looking out at the horizon, he noticed Moon, diving down at the ground, claws poised to kill. Wonder what she's doing. Lupus thought to himself, leaning partway off the ledge to get a better look.

As he watched, an IceWing came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. Lupus, having been startled by this, regained his balance to refrain falling off, and turned around.

Winter stood there, looking rather chilly, his thoughts interwoven with distrust toward NightWings. "So, you didn't answer the question." He said, sneering towards the young hybrid. "I am not a NightWing." Lupus said simply, and added, "Therefore I don't know their secrets."

Winter stared blankly. "So if you aren't a NightWing, what are you?" He then finally asked thus, after a long deep moment of confusion. "I'm a mix of three tribes." Lupus responded. "NightWing, RainWing, and IceWing." Winter laughed, and his response was stained with poison. "I don't see a single ounce of IceWing at all in you!" As he made thus statement, Lupus picked up a stick, and called on the cold deep within him. Breathing out a sharp blast of frostbreath onto the stick and setting it in front of Winter, he calmly said, "Don't just a book by its cover."

Leaving Winter dumbfounded, Lupus flew off the cliff, going to find Moon, and the prey center.

After a while of flying, he found the prey center. Seeing Moon, hanging around her Winglet, he flew in and landed next to her. "Oh! There you are!" Kinkajou yelled happily. "We were wondering where you went!" As Kinkajou said this, she bumped Moon playfully. Moon! Her mind chirped happily. Lupus imagined her thoughts, and the thoughts of everyone else as raindrops, and they were drowned out in the downpour. Moon, I found a solution to your headaches. Lupus directed thus thought toward Moon, and was rewarded with a quick response. How? It seems hard to fix. What do I do? Lupus looked at her, and calmly responded through their thoughts. Imagine the thoughts as raindrops, and push them into the downpour.

After a furrowed brow of concentration, and then a relieved sigh from Moon, he got a response from the NightWing. It works! Thank you. Lupus smiled and winked at her.

Kinkajou looked at the pair. "What's up, you two?" As she said this, her thoughts deviated over to how she'd like to see a romance, but wouldn't want it between clawmates in the same cave. After hearing this, his stomach rumbled, and he got up to look for food.

Lupus walked over to the middle of the floor to the pile of fish laid there, and which from he noticed earlier, were from Webs, the older SeaWing that was down at the lake with a net.

As he approached the pile, and looked at what was left, a young SeaWing, who Lupus had noticed earlier, was walking into the cave. The SeaWing princess. Almost all the minds in the room chimed out at once.

She approached the pile and stared at what was left, and Lupus glanced into her mind. Ugh. School is so boring. YAWN.

Lupus grabbed a fish and kept his distance from the SeaWing. Walking back to the winglet, he sat back down and gutted the fish with his knife.

Lupus patiently ate, closing his eyes and relaxing. Finally some peace of mind.

Out of nowhere, a headache, a clear picture. Rushing pain, throughout his temples. Lupus doubled over, grabbing his head and rushing back to his cave. Not a vision. Please not a vision. He laid down in the floor, curling up in a ball as the vision came.

A NightWing, big as a mountain, stood over him. Then the beast gently ran a talon under Lupus' chin, and smiled. "You know, I think we are going to be good friends, my little puppet." The NightWing's eyes glowed murderously, and he snapped his talon, the world plunging into darkness.

(Hey everyone!
Sorry for the lackluster chapter this week >~>
I've had a bad case of writers block for getting to the plot of this fanfic, but I assure you next week will be back to normal BRILLIANCE.

Who was the dragon in the vision?
Leave your guess in the comments! Who knows? I might message you if you're correct ;)

Another thing, I've been hiding Easter eggs in the chapters. Mostly music references. Dm me if you can guess what they are. I'd say I've got your ATTENTION probably double that. ;)

Anyways, that being said,
Till next time ;)

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