Chapter 11

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Lupus woke to Star excitedly shaking him. "Cmon Lupus! Wake uuuuup!" She said, poking his side playfully.

Lupus yawned and rolled over, "jUsT fiVE mORe miNUteS mOm" He said, snorting with laughter. Star giggled and pushed him in the shoulder. "I'm not your mother, silly!" Lupus giggles and sat up, rubbing his eyes groggily.

"What time is it?," Lupus said, looking at Star with a concerned look.

"Oh, welllll, it's probably 25 minutes after you laid down" She giggled, smiling mischievously.

Lupus glared at her. "What?" He said, looking rather puzzled at this remark. Star continued smiling, but finally confessed her intentions. "FINE. I can't sleeeeeep so I figured I'd wake you up so we could be awake together!"

Lupus looked rather astonished and puzzled, but deep down, he was happy she woke him up. To be totally honest, when he had met the bouncy hybrid, he was kinda nervous around her, which led to some interesting conversations. Over time, though, she had grown on him, and somehow he felt extremely happy around her, which was TOTALLY normal.

Star broke Lupus's train of thought by sitting next to him on the small bed. "Soooooooo what dya want to do?" She asked, flicking her tail idly. Mamba had fallen asleep finally, after possibly overdosing on his sleep meds, but he looked fine and all.

"Well, probably something quiet, since Mamba's asleep." Lupus responded, motioning over to the RainWing, who was sound asleep at the table, having that been the location he decided to take his meds.

(I have insomnia so this legit happens sometimes when I take meds for it. Emphasis on sometimes, nocturnal boi likes being nocturnal)

Star nodded thoughtfully, and then laid down on Lupus's bed. "mine now!" She said giggling. Lupus got up so she could lay down, and looked at the currentl situation. The bed barely fit him, and he was a rather large dragon. Judging from Star's body language and dialogue, she apparently wanted to sleep with him. If only he had a bigger bed.

Lupus almost jumped with the idea he had. "Star, come here" he said to the rather comfortable looking Starseeker. She had curled up and closed her eyes, but reluctantly got up and joined Lupus at the side of the small cot.

"Okay, so if I word this correctly, we will have a slightly bigger cot, so both of us can sleep on one cot. That is what you wanted, right?" Lupus asks to Star, who was subconsciously leaning into the slightly larger dragon.

Star stammered out a response, "W-Well, what did you want to do? I mean, if you don't want me to sleep with you I don't have to.." She finished this statement with a hint of reluctance, and as Lupus noticed, she'd be really upset if he turned down her implied offer.

(DoNt woRRy tHiS iS a cHilDrEnS bOOk
So no smut, like EVER
Most imma do is for them to like cuddle or something)

Lupus nodded "I'm fine with that as long as we can actually sleep." Star nodded, extremely excited. "Soooo what are you gonna do to fix the cot?" She asks. Lupus smirked and bumped her shoulder playfully. "Well I am an animus, right?" He says, looking at her. She nods and smiles.

After a while thinking about the enchantment, he finally got one he thought would work. "I enchant this cot to be double it's width, and also be comfortable no matter how many sleep on it."

There was a soft snapping noise, and the cot grew to double its width.

"Is that all?" Star asked, giggling.

Lupus nods, and she plomps back down on the cot.

"Ohmygoshthisissocomfortable!" She yells, rolling back and forth on the large cot. Lupus giggles and lays back down next to her, and surprising enough, she was right. It was extremely comfortable, and Lupus found himself struggling to stay awake.

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