Chapter 8

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Star was having a terrible day. First she didn't sleep. Second? Her new best friend was in the infirmary.

Apparently there was a bomb. A big one, according to a dragon named Turtle, who said it was made from dragonflame cactus.

What in three moons was going on?

As she stared at the wreckage of the history cave, which an IceWing, who identified himself as Winter, one of the dragons in Lupus's winglet, was putting out the leftover fires in the cave.

Star approached Winter, who was almost done with putting the fires all out, and gently tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey Winter." Winter turned around rather startled, and after he regained his cool, responded. "Hey. Star, right?" Star nodded. Winter continued on. "I guess you're asking where they took him." Star nodded again. Winter walked her out of the cave, and pointed down the hall. "They took him to the healers cave, and according to Tsunami, the best RainWing doctors they could find are working on him." Star nodded and thanked Winter, and then walked down the corridor.

Making her way to the healers cave, she stood outside the entrance, scared to go in for what she would see.  Please don't be bad. PLEASE, don't be bad. She thought, internally panicking.

After standing there for a while, taking deep breaths to calm herself down, she walked in.

The healers cave was furnished with 16 large cots, the majority of them empty. Glass bottles sat on shelves above the cots, and windows hewn of leaves adorned the wall closest to the exterior of the cave.

At the far end of the room, there was a small adjourning cave to the larger one, with a large heavy wooden door leading into the room. The sign read:-

Critical Health Patient
Suffered severe burns along with retinal damage to the left eye. Also severe head trauma.

Star read the sign slowly, taking in the seriousness of the situation. Please don't die Lupus. The visions told me we had a future and a destiny to live...
She sighed softly, the thought of her "gift" coming to mind. She had been born under one full moon, just as she thought Lupus had been.

Course he was more fortunate than me. Star smiled, going to place a talon on the door, to see how he was. Someone said in a rather quick manner, as if in a hurry, "Out of the way! Meds coming through."

Star moves aside and watched a pair of RainWings, carrying a large box with a label that said:

Trauma Kit:- For severe injuries ONLY

Star winced as she read the label. So it's that bad.. She sighed, now hesitant to come in.

"You need something? Never seen you around before." A RainWing had approached Star from behind. Star turned and responded. "I'm here to see my friend, Lupus. He was injured in the fire?"
The RainWing winced. "OH. That one. He's currently not in good shape."
Star looked down at the floor, sighing heavily.

Suddenly, the RainWing pulled her into a hug, tightly pressed against her. He comforted her, whispering into her ear. "We are doing the best we can. Hopefully he will be okay." She nodded, a tear falling down her face. He wiped it away and pulled back from the hug. "What's your name?" He asked. Star responded, "It's Starseeker, but most call me Star. What about you?"

The RainWing smiled sheepishly. "My names Mamba, which is KINDA ironic, considering the black mamba is one of the most deadliest snakes on the continent, and here I am HEALING people."

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