Chapter 50: La Fe

Start from the beginning

"Morning" I say as we enter the living room.

"Morning Mija, ready for church" my dad is sitting on his chair with a large cup of coffee in his hand.

"Ay Mija you look beautiful" My mom splurge and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks mom"

We all eat breakfast in somewhat peace. My uncle, the storyteller that he is, is telling Hiccup about my graduation party. The whole street was partying till the sun came up.

After breakfast Hiccup sweetly offers to help with the dishes but my mom refuses.

"Go enjoy your coffee" My mother seems to really like Hiccup which makes me very happy as he has become a very important person in my life. And even though three of my brothers still try to act tough around him the rest of my family loves him. I'm sad my oldest brother, Juan, couldn't be here. But he moved a town away to work as a mechanic for one of his friends.

As I help my mom with the dishes a thought strikes my mind.

"Mom do we have enough car space to get to the church?" My uncle of course has his cab and my dad has a truck that can hold 5 people but we're still a seat short.

"Your tío is driving me, your father and your cousins to help set some stuff up at the church, so Diego is driving you, Hiccup and your brothers" she explains and hands me a pan to dry.

"So who gets to walk?" I put the pan in the cabinet beside the oven before grabbing the baking pan my mom quickly hands me. She's a pro and I can't keep up with her.

"Hiccup. I thought he needed to feel the real Missouri spirit" My mom says jokingly.

"Nothing better than walking on the highway" I continue the joke.

"No Matías got a motorcycle so he's riding that, even though I told him Jesus don't like to ride death machines he still loves to ride that thing" she says and sighs. All my 5 brothers wanted a motorcycle but my mom forbid all of them to buy one. Matias has always been the rebel of the family so it's no surprise he bought a motorcycle.

"Oh Matias" I laugh as I can imagine the anger he got from my mom when he bought that.

"Yes I pray every Sunday he doesn't get in an accident" she says worriedly.

"Aww mamá he's a good driver" I say remembering him trying to teach me how to drive a car. I know how to drive but haven't gotten my driver's license yet since I've always filled my free time with studies.

"Yeah yeah" she replies and turn off the sink.

"It's not easy having children Mija" my mom says out of the blue. I put the last plate in the cabinet before turning my head to her.

"It's like having your heart running around in the world" my mom is a very strong woman. All my life she's been my strong female role model but she's incredibly sensitive when it comes to her children.

"Mamá" I grab her hand as a tear runs down her cheek.

"I'm just so happy you're okay. I can't loose you" her arms wraps around me as she hugs me close. My mom is the best hugger in the world.

"I'm okay" I say to calm her down and when we pull apart she seems to be okay.

"Astrid" she says seriously "I know you think religion is silly".

"Mamá" I say trying to defend myself but my mom cuts me off.

"It's okay didn't believe in God either when I was younger" and close my mouth and listen to my mother's story.

"But when you have kids you know there must be something bigger than us. And when you almost loose a child that's when you're ensured there's a God" she kisses my forehead before holding me close. I close my eyes and hug her.

"En la enfermedad y en la salud estamos aquí el uno para el otro" I say and my mother smiles "that's what you taught me".

"Gloria, mi amor, we're leaving" my mother gives me one last kiss before leaving with my father.

Now it's just me, my brothers and Hiccup in the house. But when I go to the living room to find my boyfriend he is gone. I go upstairs hoping my brothers haven't decided to have a brother to boyfriend talk with him.

I walk to my brother's old room but he's not I. There. The room is still dark and the sun is trying its best to get trough the curtains. I walk across the room to let the sun in. The sun lights up the room and turns the cave into a living space. But that's when I notice something catching my eye.

Hiccup's darks blue passport is lying open on the dresser. He had tried his best not to let me see his passport picture when we were at the airport. But it's not the Eagle or bad passport picture that catches my eye. It's the name on the passport.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock.

As children, most of us were instructed that lying is bad and that we must never lie. We were admonished when we strayed too far from the truth. When people lie to us, we view them unfavorably and treat them accordingly.
And now Hiccup's lie is out in the open. Astrid knows, how do you think she'll react?

Spoiler for next chapter:

"I need you to sign a contract about your future in Haddock industry"

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